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Suddenly my images do not scale

Suddenly my images do not scale

Friday 20 April 2007 9:20:24 am - 7 replies

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Damien Pobel

Friday 20 April 2007 9:57:50 am

Perhaps the admin of your web server made a change in the configuration of PHP4.
You should check these items :
- GD or ImageMagick are setup correctly for your site.
- permissions are correct on the directory where eZ Publish write the thumbnail files.

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Piotrek Karaś

Friday 20 April 2007 10:22:35 am

Just in addition to Damien's suggestions: any permission problems are usually well seen with the help of debug output, therefore easy to diagnose.

This is what often happens when we move a site from a shared hosting with root privileges (permissions don't matter) to a local development LAMP machine. Solution is to make sure eZ can read/write all the desired locations.

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Nick Haralambopoulos

Friday 20 April 2007 10:34:30 am

Thank you both for your help. No changes have been made to the server as far as I know since I am the (poor) webmaster. I will try your suggestions and keep you updated.

Nabil Alimi

Friday 20 April 2007 1:07:10 pm

Hi Nick,

I encountered this issue a few days ago while updating my website but it was a setting mismatch in my image.ini.append.php file : on my local machine, i'm using GD where on my webserver I'm using ImageMagick. So it could not work when I overwrote server settings with local ones.

A few more advices :
- Check your error log : when eZpublish can't resize images as it should, it adds a line in var/log/error.log like :


with details about what went wrong.
- Could it be disk space related ?

Best regards.

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nabil at assiki d0t fr

Piotrek Karaś

Friday 20 April 2007 1:17:58 pm

<i>Could it be disk space related ?</i>
Actually, that's a good general point :)
eZ publish is quite demanding when it comes to disk space. And then unless one has a way and/or a habit of monitoring the available space, he will deal with the problem sooner or later. And it's usually very confusing since it is usually the last place you look :)

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Nick Haralambopoulos

Sunday 22 April 2007 9:49:30 am

My little site runs on MacOS. The day before the problem started I run disk utiity a program that checks the disk directories and file permissions. The only thing that found was:
"Permissions differ on ./private/var/log/secure.log, should be -rw------- , they are -rw-r----- " and it corrected them. No permissions were modified in my ezp intallations. just to be sure I set the permissions again to the proper one for my site. Still no go.
I am using imageMagick so I followed Damien's suggestion about it. My other ezp site on the same server works fine!
Disk space is not an issue. There are always more than 60GB free for both sites.
I turned on debug output as Piotrek suggested. And I get the following message for every picture

Timing: Apr 22 2007 19:23:38

Module start 'content'

Warning: eZImageManager::convert Apr 22 2007 19:23:38

The filter 'geometry/scaledownonly' is not supported by any of the image handlers, will ignore this filter

Warning: eZImageManager::convert Apr 22 2007 19:23:38

The filter 'geometry/scale' is not supported by any of the image handlers, will ignore this filter

So surely something is wrong.
Any suggestions? Here should I look for correcting this?

Nick Haralambopoulos

Tuesday 24 April 2007 1:38:04 am

For the solution (!) look at my other post with title "Is EZP unreliable?"

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