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What does eZ mean?

What does eZ mean?

Wednesday 11 May 2005 1:08:07 am - 7 replies

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Lex 007

Wednesday 11 May 2005 1:23:59 am

I would say eZ = Easy

Heiner Wurbs

Wednesday 11 May 2005 1:30:31 am

hm, I can't believe, that this is the meaning, also for the company name.

Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 11 May 2005 1:44:02 am

Hi Heiner,

If it suits you better, I'm sure someone could come up with a definition involving a mix between ancien norvegian gods and hi tech accronyms ;)

"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple." (Wilde I think).

Heiner Wurbs

Wednesday 11 May 2005 5:41:36 am

its a secret, and even no one of the eZ crew knows the meaning of it?

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Wednesday 11 May 2005 5:46:00 am

eZ systems started pre 1999 as a GNU / Linux solutions consulting company. Providing solutions that involved free / open source software.

If you break down the whole name: eZ systems, easy systems as an upfront description of the solutions they (wish to) create.

I think the name is very smart. It's a great selling point, we sell easy to use understand, extend, expand, deploy (solutions and) systems.

Not to mention the branding opportunities available to a company that can basically embed the most memorable part of their business name into the their product names. Hence eZ publish.

Your not just branding a product with a name your also branding it with the company name. Who makes eZ publish? why eZ systems, of course.

It also makes it really hard to separate the product name from the company. Which I believe is more than smart in this world of copies of copies of copies of free / open source software projects which are near indistinguishable from the others.

How far would anyone get trying to explain what a re branded / renamed version of eZ publish called X publish is, let alone sell it to a client? Without the eZ part in eZ publish the name sounds like every fake product (no history) for web apps on the net (take a look there are a lot to shun).

So you intrinsically marry the two names together, without eZ you have no history in which to use as a selling point for your solution. You can't pull them apart without loosing (IMHO) big time.

It is a great name, a great company powered by some dare i say it ... amazing people.


<i>...that's enough out of me, anybody else?</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Wednesday 11 May 2005 5:57:07 am

I have also collected some tidbits lost from the really really old site off the net (your welcome :P)

eZ community ( is a community for the remaining users of the original eZ publish 2 cms framework (<i>which is not compatible with eZ publish 3</i>, fyi)

The internet archive (aka the way back machine) is offline at the moment but if you go to, and query the archive for these domain names and then you can read up on a bit more of the original eZ systems sites/history/etc. ( and

Warning: <i>The wayback machine is far from perfect and you can spend days trying to find content using this application, (it's slllooowww)</i> ...


Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

kracker (the)

The Doctor

Wednesday 11 May 2005 6:26:56 am


I think Bob Sims would have told you all that eZ means ...

eZ ? eZ is an abbreviation of: <b>Easy Company</b>, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division, U.S. Army.

Which passed through The Netherlands and Norway. (uncertain about this part of history, they might not have made it there)

I still think his inference (paint) on his canvas is beautiful and fun. It's more fun developing eZ publish when you have a theme to go along with the work.

//lt. speirs
<i>Smoke ...?</i>

<b>Band of Brothers</b>

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

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