i think that it depends on in your need.
why do you want to create another siteaccess of x language? you can manage all the content from one admin interface.
The theory is when we know everything and nothing works.
The practice is when everything works and nobody knows why.
If the practice and theory are met, nothing works and we do not know why.
It is not about being or not being able to access admin in various languages, but about extent of flexibility eZ offers for this particular issue. Namely, it is more convenient to specify admin language at the moment of editor registration with an ability to change it by this user as needed, and have a single URL for everybody to access that is provided in the manual.
I guess it can be done using
1 - a lang attribute in the user (or looking up its translations) 2- a custom module/view instead of user/login, that does the same as the standard one, but builds a redirect url at the end that is localized
It might even be doable simply by usage of the LoginRedirectionUriAttribute setting from site.ini: just set up your user attributes that stores the url where to be redirected to, and create the custom module/view that the users will be redirected upon login. That view will just redirect to the content/view/2 in the correct siteaccess.
Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board
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