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eZ Sips discussions

eZ Sips discussions

Wednesday 05 September 2007 8:11:07 am - 11 replies

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Pascal Specht

Wednesday 05 September 2007 8:18:33 am

I don't understand how the shop/confirmorder page would get called anymore...

I followed your advice and now have only one workflow attached to the shop before confirmorder...but I don't get it right: What I want is that the person would see the page shop/confirmorder (the final basket with total amount etc) before going to the bank...
But as soon as I put the workflow in place, this page gets replaced by the small page that reads the credit card choice.

How do you get it so that the user would still see the confirmorder page with your extension ?

Thanks in advance,

H-Works Agency

Wednesday 05 September 2007 10:49:18 am

The usual process order is : shop -> basket -> confirm order -> ezsips.

Shipping handler is applied in both basket & confirmorder stage.

Solve you problem by applying to "shop/checkout -> before" and not "shop/confirmorder" its sayed in my readme file.

EZP is Great

Pascal Specht

Thursday 06 September 2007 12:00:23 am

Hi Martin,

Thanks a lot... My question was indeed silly, for some (non)reason I used shop/confirmorder instead of shop/checkout which is of course wrong. That also solved my problem with the two workflows! And I certainly have read your readme to quickly, it was of course described there.

Again thanks,

BTW: I will have to write a similar extension for the CIC bank, which does not use SIPS, but euro-information. The probable timeframe is around october this year. I'll keep you informed on this and will post it as a contribution. I hope I can reuse your framework as much as possible, so that the mechanisms will be the same.

This page resumes the different APIs in France, at the end:

Again thanks for helping me out,

Pascal Specht

Monday 10 September 2007 8:30:09 am

Hi Martin,

I just noticed that since I added the eZ-Sips extension, there are no more e-mail order confirmations sent. It's very easy to reproduce: if I remove the workflow that triggers the extension, I get the e-mails, if I put it back, the e-mails don't get sent.

Is this something you were aware off?

Thanks in advance,

Pascal Specht

Thursday 13 September 2007 2:03:12 am

Hi Martin,

I solved the problem that order confirmations aren't sent out by adding a call to <b>eZShopOperationCollection::sendOrderEmails()</b> in your handleResponse( ) function. I also modified the code to write the transaction information not directly into data_text_1, but into the <transaction> tag of any XML data already stored in data_text_1. In fact I keep customer shipping/billing adresses already there, on a per order basis.
For the records, here's my code:

				/* original code 
				$order->setAttribute('data_text_1', $paymentInfos);

				$xml = new eZXML();
				$xmlDoc =& $order->attribute( 'data_text_1' );
				if( $xmlDoc != null )
					$dom =& $xml->domTree( $xmlDoc );
					if ($dom) 
						$items =& $dom->elementsByName( "transaction" );
						for( $i = 0, $c = count( $items ); $c > $i ; $i++)
							$element = $items[$i];
							if ( count( $element->Children ) > 0 )
								 foreach( array_keys( $element->Children ) as $key )
									 $child =& $element->Children[$key];
				$order->setAttribute( 'data_text_1', $dom->toString() );

Best regards,

H-Works Agency

Sunday 30 September 2007 5:44:37 am

Hi Pascal,

In fact i didn't notice the fact email weren't sent anymore, thanx for the code.

Your technique for recording payment datas looks way more flexible than mine.

Did you understood the use of the paymentObject concept ? Does ezSips module could be better by using the paymentObject concept ? (i try to use it during developpement but didn't succeed by lack of documentation about how it works).

I will add your modifications to the extension & soon as has re-enabled contribution self-edit :p


EZP is Great

H-Works Agency

Monday 08 October 2007 2:02:24 am

Improvement on payment data recording :

I am working on an improved technique for recording order extra data, based on Pascal idea.

All ezorder extra datas will be holded into "data_text_1" field under an xml structure like this one :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <group id="ezsips" name="Payment Datas">
        <elem id="transID" name="Transaction ID" value="9384938493849384" />
        <elem id="certifID" name="Certification ID" value="1873837437563756" />
     <group id="ezdelivery" name="Delivery">
        <elem id="trackID" name="Tracking ID" value="1873837437563756" />
        <elem id="delAddr" name="Delivery address">
               53 H-Street Av. SD CAL - 5th floor right
        <elem id="extra" name="Extra delivery infos">
               Please deliver before midnight

EZP is Great

Pascal Specht

Monday 08 October 2007 2:18:18 am

Hi Martin,

Nice to see this. By the way, I didn't see any need for me to look into the paymentObject so far, as your extension worked for me. The options I will need to do in the future are: being able to use cheque AND credit card payments on user's choice, and adding CIC's payment method. I'll keep you informed.


H-Works Agency

Monday 08 October 2007 2:34:34 am

Hi pascal,

I agree it would be useful to be able to include ezsips into a multi-payment.

Otherwise i will publish a cybermut payment gateway soon.

EZP is Great

Pascal Specht

Wednesday 31 October 2007 3:24:48 am

Hi Martin,

You were talking about publishing Cybermut... Is this work already in progress? Do you have an idea on when you plan to be finished?

I already did Cybermut (but not with eZ Publish) a year ago and I still have working code, so if you need anything from me, let me know!

Best regards,

H-Works Agency

Wednesday 31 October 2007 3:37:25 am


I am planning to create the Cybermut module for the end of november 07.

I don't have the SDK from cybermut already but some friends told me its not very far from SIPS.

Anyway i would be glad to take a look at the code you made.

EZP is Great

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