Did you try the "convert" command when logging with ssh on your hosting ?
Three possible answers :
- Hosting thru server config doesn't allow you to access "convert" command
- Hosting thru php config doesn't allow you to access cli from php
- You ImageMagick bin path is wrong in image.ini
EZP is Great
Paolo Riva
Thursday 07 April 2011 12:09:16 am
Hi H-Works,
just let me anticipate that I've not an SSH access to server because it's a shared server (netsons as I told you).
I asked to Netsons to tell me ImageMagick Path and they said me that is /usr/bin. I've used it and it doesn't work. Let me tell you that I've previously installed ImageMagick on my local machines and I've never had a problem.
So I think that we've to work on first and second possibilities. Just to tell you, if I use phpinfo() command ImageMagick doesn't appear in exts list.
Do you think should it be a php config problem? How could I solve it (by ask something to Netsons of course).
Currently I change, in this first release of my site, image conversion from ImageMagick to GD2, but obviously if I could I would like to use the first one lib.
1. the imagemagick php extension is not used by eZP - it's an altogether different thing from the command line version. So no, checking in phpinfo if it's enabled or not makes no sense/difference. And you cannot fix it by changing php configuration.
2. if using GD works by settings imagemagick enabled to false, then ir's a good workaround, at least temporarily, for your site
3. if calling "/usr/bin/convert" from a php script does not work, then it's either a permission problem (apache does not have rights to execute that file), or maybe the provider disabled execution of php functions such as 'system' and 'exec'. You can double check that
Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board
Paolo Riva
Thursday 21 April 2011 6:15:17 am
Hi Gaetano,
Tnx a lot for your answer.
Currently I use GD and it works great so "No Problem"!
About ImageMagick I think that it's really a problem permission. I've tried to run in a php script "/usr/bin/convert" and in Log File I've a message error, so probably it's only a permission problem caused by my WebHosting Company Permissions.
I think I should ask them about it, and I'll report their answer.
Tnx a lot for your support (yours and others that help me with this problem).