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install eZ find

install eZ find

Wednesday 02 July 2008 2:24:54 am - 7 replies

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Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 02 July 2008 4:05:43 am

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Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

anne martinet

Wednesday 02 July 2008 5:45:08 am


I choose to do:

cd /tmp/


Now when I read the doc, it says:

Save the downloaded file to the root of your eZ Publish installation, and then extract the files.

But where in the eZ Publish installation?
I install eZ Publish there: /var/www/ezpublish
I install eZ Flow in this folder (/var/www/ezpublish) ? or in the folder extension (/var/www/ezpublish/extension/) ? or another like /var/www/ ?..........


anne martinet

Wednesday 02 July 2008 8:36:12 am

I install ezPublish in : /var/www/ezpublish/
I install java JRE : sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
I download eZFind and I install:

cd /tmp/
tar zxvf ezfind_1.0.0beta2.tar.gz -C /var/www/ezpublish/

I try to Starting Solr:
cd /var/www/ezpublish/extension/ezfind/java/
java -jar start.jar

But I have this probleme when I do the last commande:

java -jar start.jar

2008-07-02 18:13:17.456::INFO:  Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
2008-07-02 18:13:17.641::INFO:  jetty-6.1.3
2008-07-02 18:13:17.961::INFO:  Extract jar:file:/var/www/ezpublish/extension/ezfind/java/webapps/solr.war!/ to /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8983_solr.war__solr__k1kf17/webapp
2008-07-02 18:13:20.349::INFO:  NO JSP Support for /solr, did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
2008-07-02 18:13:21.839::WARN:  failed SolrRequestFilter
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.solr.core.SolrConfig
   at java.lang.Class.initializeClass(
   at org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter.init(
   at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.FilterHolder.doStart(
   at org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(
   at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.initialize(
   at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Context.startContext(

I think it's not probleme memory limit.
I try this commande

root@ubuntu:/var/www/ezpublish/extension/ezfind/java# java -Xms512M -Xm512M -jar start.jar

But I have the same result!
What else?

And when I go in this page :

I have this result :




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anne martinet

Monday 07 July 2008 12:04:37 am

Hello :)

I find my probleme, I have installed java 6 but when I write this commande:

root@ubuntu:~# update-alternatives --config java

There are 3 alternatives which provide `java'.

  Selection    Alternative
      1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1
*+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java
      3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java

Press enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number: 3
Using `/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java' to provide `java'.

So, the bad alternative was used. I corrected with the choice number 3.
And Solr run


Thanks for your help

anne martinet

Monday 07 July 2008 1:30:19 am

Re coucou, I have a new probleme!

I haven't change configuration of eZ Find!
And I activated eZ Find, I write in this file : settings/override/site.ini.append.php


But I do add content of my siteaccess demonstrateur_ez in ez Find.
So I write:

php extension/ezfind/bin/php/updatesearchindexsolr.php -s demonstrateur_ez_admin

And the return is:

Enter path to PHP-CLI executable ( or [q] to quit )

(If I tape php, I have Fatal error: Class 'eZSolr' not found in
/var/www/ezpublish/extension/ezfind/bin/php/updatesearchindexsolr.php on line 235 )

What do I do?

anne martinet

Tuesday 15 July 2008 1:11:23 am


I have this error because I doesn't have installed EZ Components.
Now I have install eZ Components 2007.2.1.
And I have a new probleme :(

When I indexing a siteaccess_admin I have this result:

# php extension/ezfind/bin/php/updatesearchindexsolr.php -s ezwebin_site_admin
Starting object re-indexing
Enter path to PHP-CLI executable ( or [q] to quit ) php
Using fork.
Using 2 concurent process(es)
Number of objects to index: 72

Creating a new thread: 14162
...................................................................... 97.22%
..                                                                     100.00%

Creating a new thread: 14165

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Did not index content correctly:
array (
  0 => '',

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Did not index content correctly:
array (
  0 => '',

Creating a new thread: 14168

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Did not index content correctly:
array (
  0 => '',
Process finished: 14162
Process finished: 14168
Optimizing. Please wait ...
Indexing took 2.85186505318 secs ( average: 25.2466363792 objects/sec )
Finished updating the search index.

what's wrong?

anne martinet

Tuesday 15 July 2008 7:19:45 am

I write in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

memory_limit = 140M ;

I don't know if it's the best way, but that's run!

Thank you every body!

Probleme resolu

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