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Install troubles

Install troubles

Saturday 08 March 2008 12:03:27 am - 4 replies

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Michael Hall

Saturday 08 March 2008 12:29:56 am

The web server does not have permission to write to the directories listed.

You need to change the permissions on those directories so that the web server can write to them.

The message gives you examples of commands you could run to fix this problem.
They need to be run on the command line of the server, which requires SSH access at least.

If you don't have command line access, you could try changing these permissions using an FTP program (big job unfortunately).

Zotov Vladimir

Saturday 08 March 2008 12:35:36 am

Yes, I've don it yet. I've changed rigths to all those directories access. But settings/siteaccess/admin directory make this mistake again, even after I've changed rules.

These shell commands will give proper permission to the web server.
cd /usr/local/www/vhosts/
chmod -R a+rwx design extension settings settings/siteaccess/admin var
Alternative shell commands

These commands will setup the permission more correctly, but require knowledge about the running web server.
chmod -R og+rwx design extension settings settings/siteaccess/admin var
chown -R nouser:nouser design extension settings settings/siteaccess/admin var

P.S. Please, discribe in details how can I run this commands wiht SSH.

Michael Hall

Saturday 08 March 2008 1:53:55 am

Is this your own server, or are you using shared web hosting?

SSH is just a way of accessing the server. If it's your own server, you probably don't need SSH. If you've already changed the permissions, then again you don't need SSH.

If it's shared hosting, sometimes web servers are set up with unusual requirements for directory and file permissions, usually for security reasons. Perhaps you should contact the web host and find out what their file permissions policy is.

Zotov Vladimir

Sunday 09 March 2008 7:34:58 am

Thank you very much!
Now I've got another problem. I've got a test subdomain of my domain on the public hosting server. I try to install Ez.In the step Site details installer said:

The database [test] cannot be used, the setup wizard wants to create the site in [utf-8] but the database has been created using character set [koi8-r]. You will have to choose a database having support for [utf-8] or modify [test] .

So, when I try to fix it by changing character set, I login into admin panel (Plesk) and see that my database has character set utf-8 yet. I suppose that it may be because I've created a data base in domain (not subdomain in which I try to install Ez). I did it because I can't create it in the subdomain. Please, help me: I didn't have such problems installing Ez at home.

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