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Installation issues with mysql

Installation issues with mysql

Thursday 25 November 2004 7:04:07 pm - 9 replies

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Dainis Valtas

Friday 26 November 2004 4:37:22 am

The same problem
I'm running:

ezPublish 3.5.RC1
mysql 4.1.7
PHP 4.3.9
Apache Web Server 2
Windows XP SP2

Łukasz Serwatka

Friday 26 November 2004 5:09:25 am


Strange bug. With MySQL 4.0.xx eZ publish intalation works fine

I had problems with PHP and MySQL 4.1.7 on both Win32 and Linux platform.

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Hans Melis

Friday 26 November 2004 5:17:00 am

I think I'm going to patent this :-)

See my replies in this thread:

As stated in the MySQL 4.1 notes, the authentication protocol in 4.1.x changed which causes problems for old clients (PHP4 is one of them).

Logging in from the command line always works because then you're using the MySQL client itself which is of course updated to use the new protocol.

For the record, I'm running MySQL 4.1.7 for all eZ publish installations I have (live server, workstation and 2 desktops at home) and have yet to encounter an issue.


Łukasz Serwatka

Friday 26 November 2004 5:23:54 am

I had this error when i`m running MySQL 4.1.7 with old_password parametr. So i think that problem is somewhere else, because during instalations tables was created properly in MySQL 4.1.7. phpMyAdmin 2.6.0 works properly (old_password enabled) eZ publish don`t

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Arran Price

Sunday 28 November 2004 10:57:53 am

Im working with Chandra (original poster).
Ive followed Hans instructions and after restarting mysql and apache I still have the same problems.

any other ideas?


Arran Price

Sunday 28 November 2004 12:03:26 pm

Installing an earlier version of mysql has fixed the problem for us.
On our redhat box we used version 4.0.22, and its now working.
For those interested the 2 rpms you want are:



Arran Price

Sunday 28 November 2004 12:13:04 pm

seems my post got lost, so hopefully this isnt a duplicate.
installing mysql 4.0.22 worked for us (ie ealier version than we had used).
for those interested on a redhat box, the following rpms from should work.



Mikhail Chekanov

Monday 29 November 2004 12:36:42 am

This problem is concerned to MySQL 4.1.x "bug" -- eztrigger table contains too long key eztrigger_def_id, because key lentgh in MySQL 4.1.x is limited to ~330 chars(UTF), AFAIK.

So, eZ setup can't fill up the database.
Only way to istall eZ, imho, is to insert data manually from modified kernel/sql/mysql/kernel_schema.sql :

CREATE TABLE eztrigger (
  connect_type char(1) NOT NULL default '',
  function_name varchar(160) NOT NULL default '',
  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  module_name varchar(160) NOT NULL default '',
  name varchar(255) default NULL,
  workflow_id int(11) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  UNIQUE KEY eztrigger_def_id (module_name,function_name,connect_type),
  KEY eztrigger_fetch (name(25),module_name(50),function_name(50))

then insert data from cleandata.sql.
During install eZ will ask what to do with database, just leave the database alone.
This is a very dirty hack, but...
Also you can try to tune your MySQL to use latin1 charset (for example), but I'm unassured of the effect.


Tony Wood

Monday 29 November 2004 12:52:19 am

This is also a reported bug in eZ.

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