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Installation of 3.4.0alpha1 version

Installation of 3.4.0alpha1 version

Saturday 28 February 2004 4:56:54 am - 3 replies

Author Message

Monday 01 March 2004 1:07:18 am

I've got the same error.

Site info:
Template - Plain
Title - Plain
Admin URL -
Access type - url
Access value - plain

PHP info:
Version - 4.3.4

OS info
Name - Linux 2.6.2-gentoo #1 SMP Fri Feb 6 16:43:00 CET 2004 i686

Database info:
Type - MySQL
Driver - ezmysql

Demo data:
Demo data was installed.

Email info:
Transport - sendmail

Image conversion:
ImageMagick was found and used.
Path - /usr/bin
Executable - convert
ImageGD extension was found and used.

Regional info:
Primary - nor-NO
Additional - nor-NO

Critical tests

directory_permissions - Success
phpversion - Success
database_extensions - Success
image_conversion - Success
open_basedir - Success
safe_mode - Success
memory_limit - Success
execution_time - Success

Other tests:

php_magicquotes - Failure
zlib_extension - Success
mbstring_extension - Success
imagegd_extension - Success
imagemagick_program - Success
database_all_extensions - Failure
file_upload - Success
php_register_globals - Failure

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Monday 01 March 2004 5:14:12 am

The plain package is missing some data, and will therefor not install. Please use the other packages for testing.

Kåre Høvik

Kåre Høvik

Monday 01 March 2004 10:08:22 am

OK, that did the trick.

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