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Installing 3.4

Installing 3.4

Wednesday 02 June 2004 4:40:58 pm - 8 replies

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Jan Borsodi

Thursday 03 June 2004 12:20:52 am

Could you give some information on which system you tried to install it on?



Eric Charikane

Thursday 03 June 2004 2:08:29 am

Hy, let me first say : thanks for the good job, ezp is a world of freedom for creating and making web project. Hope I'll be online soon ...

I'm running a mac osx 10.3.4 with php 4.3.4 turkmmcache 2.4.6 and mysql 4.0.17 and I'm using safari as a browser. I installed ezp 3.4 yesterday, the news site with everything ... and saw the same error message either in public or admin side. I need to reload several times to have things running. After that, no trouble for loading pages ... The last step of the install process is quite long and safari doesn't like it, mozilla is better for that.

Mikhail Chekanov

Thursday 03 June 2004 4:29:51 am

>After that, no trouble for loading pages ...
Did you set another locale, not en-gb? In that case, this is a normal behaviour - cms have to "translate" templates for the first time.
>The last step of the install process is quite long and safari doesn't like it, mozilla is better for that.
:) This is a feature, not bug... your browser is too impatient.

>I like eZ systems but I agree with several users already, the installation process is almost as unfriendly as you can get, at least with a *nix system.
I cannot accept your statement. :( And I can't understand the difference between "*nix" and "win" setup. Maybe *nix requires some knowledge backround? However, I've more problems with windows setup... :D


Eric Charikane

Thursday 03 June 2004 6:44:29 am

>After that, no trouble for loading pages ...
Did you set another locale, not en-gb? In that case, this is a normal behaviour - cms have to "translate" templates for the first time.
>> yes, my fisrt locale is fr-fr. But by the way it seems like it's easier, for the first load not to use the trailing slash. i.e .../index.php/forum_admin is better than .../index.php/forum_admin/

>The last step of the install process is quite long and safari doesn't like it, mozilla is better for that.
:) This is a feature, not bug... your browser is too impatient.
>> ;-))))

Alan Stephenson

Thursday 03 June 2004 8:44:35 am

Sure. My system is a Slackware Linux 9. The PHP version is 4.3.3. I am using Apache 1.3.28 and database 4.0.15a.

I have set the memory of php.ini to 12M. I have also tried it with it at 16M and 20M. The machine has 256Mb.

What else?

Jan Borsodi

Monday 07 June 2004 4:16:28 am

> Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request
> The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Was this all it said on the page?
This message usually means that eZ publish was stopped by PHP for some reason, it could be that PHP crashed or that Apache stopped the running process.

Also on which page in the setup did this happen?
Was it after the registration page or when you try access the site for the first time?

Does the install stop immediately or does it take a while before it happens?

Was the installation done using the installers or a custom setup with Apache and PHP?



Alan Stephenson

Monday 07 June 2004 10:54:32 am

This happened once I selected the site after install. Both the user site and admin site returned this.

It takes a few moments before the message appears. It probably is running, but I am not sure where else I can search in the logs.

I do see in the logs the following:

[Mon Jun 7 10:45:40 2004] [error] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1677
7216 bytes exhausted at (null):0 (tried to allocate 208 bytes) in /xxxx/xxxx/p
ublic_html/lib/ezxml/classes/ezxml.php on line 339

(NOTE: I put xxxxx/xxxxx in place of my webroot starting page.)

Jan Borsodi

Tuesday 08 June 2004 8:06:24 am

It could be that your time limit is too low, try increasing in your <i>php.ini</i> file.

See <i>max_execution_time</i> on this page for more information.

You can set it back once the site is up an running.



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