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Is SSL supported for SMTP?

Is SSL supported for SMTP?

Tuesday 30 October 2007 11:10:12 pm - 5 replies

Author Message

Mauricio Sánchez

Friday 14 November 2008 2:26:02 pm

I made some tweaks on the smtp class to add support for SSL SMTP connection

Here is the new code for lib/ezutils/classes/ezsmtp.php

** Filename.......:
** Project........: SMTP Class
** Version........: 1.0.5
** Last Modified..: 21 December 2001

    class smtp
        const STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED = 1;
        const STATUS_CONNECTED = 2;
        const CRLF = "\r\n";

        public $authenticated;
        public $connection;
        public $recipients;
        public $CcRecipients;
        public $BccRecipients;
        public $headers;
        public $timeout;
        public $errors;
        public $status;
        public $body;
        public $from;
        public $host;
        public $port;
        public $helo;
        public $auth;
        public $user;
        public $pass;

        ** Constructor function. Arguments:
        ** $params - An assoc array of parameters:
        **   host    - The hostname of the smtp server        Default: localhost
        **   port    - The port the smtp server runs on        Default: 25
        **   helo    - What to send as the HELO command        Default: localhost
        **             (typically the hostname of the
        **             machine this script runs on)
        **   auth    - Whether to use basic authentication    Default: FALSE
        **   user    - Username for authentication            Default: <blank>
        **   pass    - Password for authentication            Default: <blank>
        **   timeout - The timeout in seconds for the call    Default: 5
        **             to fsockopen()

        function smtp( $params = array() )
            $this->authenticated = FALSE;
            $this->timeout       = 5;
            $this->status        = smtp::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED;
            $this->host          = 'localhost';
            $this->port          = 25;
            $this->helo          = 'localhost';
            $this->auth          = FALSE;
            $this->user          = '';
            $this->pass          = '';
            $this->errors        = array();

            foreach ( $params as $key => $value )
                $this->$key = $value;

        ** Connect function.
        ** It will connect to the server and send
        ** the HELO command.

        function connect($params = array())
            $this->connection = fsockopen( $this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout );
            if ( function_exists( 'socket_set_timeout' ) )
                @socket_set_timeout( $this->connection, 5, 0 );

            $greeting = $this->get_data();
            if ( is_resource( $this->connection ) )
                $result = $this->auth ? $this->ehlo() : $this->helo();
                if ( $result )
                    $this->status = smtp::STATUS_CONNECTED;
                return $result;
                $this->errors[] = 'Failed to connect to server: ' . $errstr;
                return FALSE;

        ** Function which handles sending the mail.
        ** Arguments:
        ** $params    - Optional assoc array of parameters.
        **            Can contain:
        **              recipients - Indexed array of recipients
        **              from       - The from address. (used in MAIL FROM:),
        **                           this will be the return path
        **              headers    - Indexed array of headers, one header per array entry
        **              body       - The body of the email
        **            It can also contain any of the parameters from the connect()
        **            function

        function send( $params = array() )
            foreach ( $params as $key => $value )
                $this->set( $key, $value );

            if ( $this->is_connected() )
                // Do we auth or not? Note the distinction between the auth variable and auth() function
                if ( $this->auth AND !$this->authenticated )
                    if ( !$this->auth() )
                        return FALSE;
                $this->mail( $this->from );
                if ( is_array( $this->recipients ) )
                    foreach ( $this->recipients as $value )
                        $this->rcpt( $value );
                    $this->rcpt( $this->recipients );

                if ( is_array( $this->CcRecipients ) )
                    foreach( $this->CcRecipients as $value )
                        $this->rcpt( $value );
                    $this->rcpt( $this->CcRecipients );

                if ( is_array( $this->BccRecipients ) )
                    foreach ( $this->BccRecipients as $value )
                        $this->rcpt( $value );
                    $this->rcpt( $this->BccRecipients );

                if ( !$this->data() )
                    return FALSE;

                // Transparency
                $headers = str_replace( smtp::CRLF.'.', smtp::CRLF.'..', trim( implode( smtp::CRLF, $this->headers ) ) );
                $body    = str_replace( smtp::CRLF.'.', smtp::CRLF.'..', $this->body );
                $body    = $body[0] == '.' ? '.'.$body : $body;

		// Modify by Mauricio Sánchez - Aplyca Tecnología (24-07-08) 
		//Dealing with SMTP line length limitation (Avoid truncated mails)
                $body = wordwrap($body, 76, "\r\n");
                //End Modify                

                $this->send_data( $headers );
                $this->send_data( '' );
                $this->send_data( $body );
                $this->send_data( '.' );

                $result = ( substr( trim( $this->get_data() ), 0, 3) === '250' );
                return $result;
                $this->errors[] = 'Not connected!';
                return FALSE;

        ** Function to implement HELO cmd

        function helo()
            return( $this->send_cmd( 'HELO ' . $this->helo, '250' ) );

        ** Function to implement EHLO cmd

        function ehlo()
            /* return the result of the EHLO command */
            return ( $this->send_cmd( 'EHLO ' . $this->helo, '250' ) );

        ** Function to implement RSET cmd

        function rset()
            /* return the result of the RSET command */
            return ( $this->send_cmd( 'RSET', '250' ) );

        ** Function to implement QUIT cmd

        function quit()
            /* if QUIT OK */
            if ( $this->send_cmd( 'QUIT', '221' ) )
                /* unset the connection flag and return TRUE */
                $this->status = smtp::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED;
                return TRUE;
            /* in other case return FALSE */
            return FALSE;

        ** Function to implement AUTH cmd

        function auth()
            /* if the connection is made */
			// Modify by Mauricio Sánchez - Aplyca Tecnología (24-07-08) 
			//Add SMTP secure (SSL) support
			if ( $this->send_cmd( 'STARTTLS', '220' ) )
			    if(!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->connection, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) 
					return false;
			//End Modify
	            if ( $this->send_cmd('AUTH LOGIN', '334' ) )
	                /* if sending username ok */
	                if ( $this->send_cmd( base64_encode( $this->user ), '334' ) )
	                    /* if sending password ok */
	                    if ( $this->send_cmd( base64_encode( $this->pass ), '235' ) )
	                        /* set the authenticated  flag and return TRUE */
	                        $this->authenticated = TRUE;
	                         return TRUE;
			// Modify by Mauricio Sánchez - Aplyca Tecnología (24-07-08)
			//Add SMTP secure (SSL) support	
			//End Modify
            /* in other case return FALSE */
            return FALSE;

        ** Function that handles the MAIL FROM: cmd

        function mail( $from )
            /* normalize the from field */
            if ( !preg_match( "/<.+>/", $from ) )
                $from = '<' . $from .'>';

            /* return the result of the MAIL FROM command */
            return ( $this->send_cmd('MAIL FROM:' . $from . '', '250' ) );

        ** Function that handles the RCPT TO: cmd

        function rcpt( $to )
            /* normalize the to field */
            if ( !preg_match( "/<.+>/", $to ) )
                $to = '<' . $to .'>';

            /* return the result of the RCPT TO command */
            return ( $this->send_cmd( 'RCPT TO:' . $to . '', '250' ) );

        ** Function that sends the DATA cmd

        function data()
            /* return the result of the RCPT TO command */
            return ( $this->send_cmd('DATA', '354' ) );

        ** Function to determine if this object
        ** is connected to the server or not.

        function is_connected()
            return ( is_resource( $this->connection ) AND ( $this->status === smtp::STATUS_CONNECTED ) );

        ** Function to send a bit of data

        function send_data( $data )
            if ( is_resource( $this->connection ) )
                return fwrite( $this->connection, $data.smtp::CRLF, strlen( $data ) + 2 );
                return FALSE;

        ** Function to get data.

        function get_data()
            $return = '';
            $line   = '';
            $loops  = 0;

            if ( is_resource( $this->connection ) )
                while ( ( strpos( $return, smtp::CRLF ) === FALSE OR substr( $line, 3, 1 ) !== ' ' ) AND $loops < 100 )
                    $line    = fgets( $this->connection, 512 );
                    $return .= $line;
                return $return;
                return FALSE;

        ** Sets a variable

        function set( $var, $value )
            $this->$var = $value;
            return TRUE;

        ** Function to simply send a command to the smtp socket
        function send_cmd( $msg, $answer )
            /* if the connection is made */
            if ( $error = is_resource( $this->connection ) )
                /* if sending DATA ok */
                if ( $error = $this->send_data( $msg ) )
                    /* Wait for server answer */
                    $error = $this->get_data();

                    /* return TRUE if the server answered the expected tag */
                    if( substr( trim( $error ), 0, 3 ) === $answer )
                        return TRUE;
            /* else return FALSE and set an error */
            $this->errors[] = $msg . ' command failed, output: ' . $error;
            return FALSE;

    } // End of class


Sunday 16 November 2008 4:08:15 pm

Wow, it looks like you spent some time preparing that code for use with eZ Publish!

You could consider submitting a patch / feature request through the official channels specifically through the mailing list to have your fix included in eZ Publish.


This process has succeeded in getting new features in eZ Publish for others,


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Piotrek Karaś

Sunday 07 December 2008 12:14:56 am

Also, if you need that for custom extensions rather than entire eZ Publish installation, consider Mail Component:

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
eZ references:
eZ certified developer:
eZ blog:

Stijn van Esveld

Monday 26 October 2009 1:25:53 pm

Sorry to kick this old topic, but I'm trying to use GMail as SMTP server. I've copied Sanchez code to ezsmtp.php but i can't get the email notification system to work.

In site.ini.append.php i've put the following settings:


I'm getting the following error in the logs:
Unable to connect to SMTP server

I'm running ezpublish version 4.1.1. Is there anyone who got gmail to work with ezpublish or can help with the right settings?

Teru H.

Friday 04 December 2009 7:14:06 pm may help. i haven't tried for gmail but tried for my email account on a rental server.

i haven't succeeded yet, and wonder if there are simpler ways. looking at ezcomponents, for example, it looks like ssl is already supported...

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