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"lost" the main content area in admin

"lost" the main content area in admin

Saturday 01 April 2006 3:33:08 am - 8 replies

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Betsy Gamrat

Saturday 01 April 2006 11:22:29 am

Go into /ez/design/admin/override/templates and check the dates on the templates. You could try renaming suspicious looking templates in an attempt to recover. If the rename makes things worse ... just rename it back.

You should be able to do this through SSH or FTP. Good luck.

Mark Marsiglio

Saturday 01 April 2006 4:40:51 pm

Did you clear the cache? I have had this happen a few times that were fixed just by clearing everything in the cache folder. In severe cases, I had to use FTP or SSH to empty the actual folders (cache) in the var directory.
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Thomas Johannessen

Sunday 02 April 2006 8:19:58 am

i did try this thiings without luck. I miss the main area only in the Content structure, media library, and when I try to edit an user..

I will try to alter the plain and base template too.
I wish there was a reset button, hehe, as in my adsl modem.. ;D

Betsy Gamrat

Sunday 02 April 2006 8:31:20 am


There is a "reset button". Just delete any override templates you had and that should restore the default system templates.

This is one of those situations where maybe a big "RESET" would help. You might want to consider installing a fresh version of eZ and copying the templates over one by one. It depends on how much you have invested. Be careful with the database - you probably don't want to modify it from two systems at once.

Good luck.

Thomas Johannessen

Sunday 02 April 2006 8:53:17 am

thanks Betsy

FYI, its my personal test-out-web, so I didnt invest much money, only time..
but I have this problem about install a new one..:
scoll down ans see my post down there..


Betsy Gamrat

Sunday 02 April 2006 10:16:21 am


I read your post in the other thread.

I had one host that I couldn't get eZ to run on, but have had good luck at another company with inexpensive ($5 USD / mo) hosting. If you really need to have eZ running, I guess the only thing to do is go through the system requirements carefully and pick a hosting company that supports them.

I hope you recover your main content area. On the host that didn't work, eZ stopped running and I couldn't recover, I couldn't reinstall, I couldn't fix it at all. I finally used phpMyAdmin to extract the data and put up a real simple blog.

Good luck.

Thomas Johannessen

Monday 10 April 2006 6:00:13 am

I had NO luck in retriving my area, that say; new, article, image etc.

Strange thou. I will post an explanation if I sort it...

Joe Lancros

Wednesday 10 February 2010 5:12:58 am


I had the very same problem, im sure youǘe solved it in 4 years but i figured id post for anyone else searching a solution.

After a lot of investigation I discovered that while adding custom overrides to my design extension (extension/customdesign/settings/override.ini.append.php) I have copied the file from the siteaccess override.ini.append.ini. As this is the last file that EZ uses to choose a template it was being told to find things that weren`t in the right directory, make sure you have only included files in that directory.

You can see if this is the case by checking (var/log/error.txt), recreate the problem before checking just to ensure that its still stored.


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