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Post upgrade problem 3.8.0

Post upgrade problem 3.8.0

Thursday 12 October 2006 9:04:21 pm - 9 replies

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Kenneth Colwell

Friday 13 October 2006 8:06:52 am

Also related to this problem:

PHP errors:

[Fri Oct 13 11:03:36 2006] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/pub3/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagealiashandler.php on line 1053
[Fri Oct 13 11:05:20 2006] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/pub3/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagealiashandler.php on line 1053
[Fri Oct 13 11:05:59 2006] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/pub3/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagealiashandler.php on line 1053
[Fri Oct 13 11:06:07 2006] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/pub3/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/ezimagealiashandler.php on line 1053

Claudia Kosny

Friday 13 October 2006 10:56:49 am

Hi Kenneth

First of check the permissions of your var folder. It looks like EZ does not have write permission. Once you have done that, clear the cache and try again.

You say that you get the messages for each of your created templates so it seems that EZ cannot find your template folder. Make sure your design directory is set correctly in the site.ini. Also make sure that your override.ini is correct. Make sure to check the files in the settings/override directory as well.
If you don't see any obvious problems there please post
- whether your design is in a design extension or in the main design folder
- the path of one of your templates
- the block [DesignSettings] of the site.ini of your siteaccess
- the relevant block of your override.ini for this template.
- the PHP version you use
- any other interesting info you think might be related to this problem

The problem with the pictures might be related to the missing permissions for the var directory, so try that first.

By the way: Any special reason why you upgraded to EZ 3.8.0 and not 3.8.4?

Greetings from Luxembourg


Kenneth Colwell

Friday 13 October 2006 11:41:36 am

Hi Claudia,

Thanks for the reply but the really strange thing is that the vast majority of my site is functionally normally.

This folder: is broken and generates both the php error and the ezpublish template related errors.

This folder: works just fine?

I'm thinking that it's some sort of database corruption caused by the upgrade.

Any additional thoughts?

PHP 4.4.2, mysql 4.1.20, php 3.8.0

I'm at a partial stop from 3.7.3 to 3.8.0 to 3.8.4

Ken Colwell

Claudia Kosny

Friday 13 October 2006 11:57:43 am

Hi Kenneth

Well - if it is the database I don't know what to do so for now I will assume that the database is ok ;-)

Do both folders turn up as folders (meaning having the same classid) in the admin page? Also make sure that your cache was totally emptied at least once. If necessary clean the cache manually (be careful not to delete any of the other folders in var directory).

If that does not help I would test a few things with one of the nodes that cause problems. Create a special override template for one of these nodes and set the override condition to the node id and place the override at the beginning of the override.ini. Start with the template just displaying the name orid of the node. Does that cause any errors? If not, add a bit more attributes each time and check what is happening.

If the simple template already causes the errors switch the override to one of the nodes that usually work. Does it work there?

I don't think that the error with the missing permissions for the var directory is node dependent. Could you please make sure of that?


Kenneth Colwell

Friday 13 October 2006 12:47:09 pm


Actually I have more information now.... It wasn't actually a problem with the folder but a problem with the image that was embedded inside the folder.

I moved the image to the trash and now the folder is visible. I can't view that particular image in either the admin system or the normal view. It is also not editable, since the edit screen returns the errors.

This image itself can be viewed here:

because the publishing system ignores the var directory.

Ken Colwell

Kenneth Colwell

Friday 13 October 2006 1:29:32 pm

I've manually cleared the caches, and I did see a couple of files that were owned by root in the cache directory.

But the cache clearing didn't help. I wouldn't think that it would be an overide.ini issues since other images work fine.

Some example URLS:

Folder examples:

Works great


Individual images:


Any more ideas?

Ken Colwell

Claudia Kosny

Friday 13 October 2006 2:18:25 pm

Yes, I don't think that overrides are an issue here either. What I wanted to test in my previous post was whether it is any specific attribute that causes the problem. But it seems like you limited it to the images anyway so there should be no need for that.

The problem actually might be solved in EZ 3.8.1:

Maybe check the original pictures whether they contain any additional data (EXIF or so) which might cause problems.

Otherwise I don't know what to do - seeing your timeconstraint it might be better to contact EZ systems (although I don't know whether anyone is there at this time)

Good luck


Claudia Kosny

Friday 13 October 2006 2:44:31 pm

Actually I have just seen that the original of the image you posted before has EXIF data so this looks like a possible problem source.

I am talking about this image:
and its original:

So first try to update one more step and alternatively try to remove the additional data from some example pics to see whether they work then.

My partner just suggested using irfanview to resize the pics to 100% by 100% which removes the exif data in an easy way for a lot of pics. I haven't tried this but maybe it helps you.


Kenneth Colwell

Monday 16 October 2006 8:22:36 am

Claudia, Thank you for your guidance!

The key to solving this problem was to just keep upgrading. My thoughts were that since the upgrade process involved taking two steps, first to 3.8.0 and then on to 3.8.4 that I should make sure that everything was working when I got to 3.8.0. As it turns out that wasn't such a good idea.

So, if you are having problems after upgrading to 3.8.0... just keep on upgrading until you get to 3.8.4 or whatever is current at the time.

Ken Colwell

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