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Ridiculous install problems

Ridiculous install problems

Tuesday 18 January 2005 1:11:20 pm - 19 replies

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J-A Eberhard

Tuesday 18 January 2005 1:43:26 pm

How much do you have for the memory_limit in your php.ini ?

Have a look at

IMPORTANT - PHP memory_limit issue
eZ publish requires at least 12 MB (in some cases 16 MB). This means that you'll have to increase the default memory_limit (in php.ini) from 8 MB to 12 or 16 MB. In some cases eZ publish requires even more memory - for example, the PDF export needs quite a lot.

I'm running Ez on a Debian and I would use 36 MB in php.ini for install.


Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

Doug Robertson

Tuesday 18 January 2005 2:01:07 pm

I had read this issue with PHP, and set the memory limit to 20MB. Let me try it with a really big number and see if that helps. I will redo the install wizard and report back...

Doug Robertson

Tuesday 18 January 2005 2:21:31 pm

I increased the PHP memory limit to 50M, and still get identical behavior. Watching with 'top', though, I can see the 'apache' process memory usage get above 40MB! (Watching "VIRT" field in top while the web browser is trying to load the start page.) The error message on accessing the site is as in the first post.

Kristian Hole

Tuesday 18 January 2005 2:25:56 pm

The error message just means eZ publish didn't manage to compile it's templates in the 60 seconds it was given. Just hit refresh when you see the error message to let it continue its job.


Doug Robertson

Tuesday 18 January 2005 2:27:35 pm

Note the following lines from /var/log/apache/error.log, on trying to access the freshly installed EZPublish site:

[Tue Jan 18 16:13:57 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/ezpublish/design/admin/stylesheets/admin.css
[Tue Jan 18 16:13:57 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/ezpublish/design/admin/stylesheets/debug.css
[Tue Jan 18 16:15:05 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/vhosts/ezpublish/favicon.ico

Does this indicate anything?

Doug Robertson

Tuesday 18 January 2005 2:53:18 pm

> The error message just means eZ publish didn't manage to compile it's templates in the 60 seconds it was given.

Wow! Some success! I increased the timeout limit to 600 and got a successful start page.

How do I get rid of the "AcceptPathInfo" complaint? Or do I not need to worry about it?

James Lynch

Wednesday 06 July 2005 3:14:01 pm

Hello Doug,

The way I always get around the timeout issue is use lynx on the machine. (note: some jailshelled accounts disable this)

From the shell do this

lynx -connect_timeout=2000

Inside browser press the "g" button and enter the url of your install. This might only work on the server-side, and not client. MMV

If the install cannot complete within 2000 seconds, I say it's not a timeout issue. :)

Best Regards,

Roberto Kirschbaum

Wednesday 13 July 2005 6:56:00 am

Hello Doug,

Are you still getting the <i>AcceptPathInfo</i> message or did you get to solve it? I am having the same trouble, with Apache 2 and need help.


Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 13 July 2005 1:00:48 pm

You can ignore the AcceptPathInfo message. There seems to be an issue with Apache2 where this is wrongly detected. As long as you know it is on you should be alright.

Roberto Kirschbaum

Wednesday 13 July 2005 1:26:15 pm

Frederik, thanks for the quick reply, and the good news. How would I <i>know</i> AcceptPathInfo is <i>On</i>? Is there Any specific test I could do or configuration file that I could look at before proceeding with the instalation?

Thanks! Roberto

Roberto Kirschbaum

Monday 25 July 2005 9:35:40 am


It seems that the answer is:

"if you have
AcceptPathInfo On
in the 1st section of httpd.conf, then it&acute;s on."

Anyway, running the installation wizard, there came a time when I was asked to

cp htaccess.root htaccess

and thus the following step showed me an error page:
"Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

I then removed htaccess and got to finish the installation. But I understand that doing it this way the security level is lower. Is this htaccess.root in a specific Apache 1.3 syntax? If so, how should a .htaccess file be so it makes my Apache 2.0 more secure on a non-virtualhost mode?


Roberto Kirschbaum

Thursday 28 July 2005 7:29:52 am

After I finally got to install 3.6.0, I came to know of 3.6.1, with native pt-BR and lots of fixed bugs. So I decided to install 3.6.1 and at the end of the installation, after the Registration screen, I got:

Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ publish failed.

The current execution was stopped to prevent further problems.
You should contact the System Administrator of this site with the information on this page.
The current transaction ID is TRANSID-67fd571ce3dda3760d01a0610d9f24bc and has been logged.
Please include the transaction ID and the current URL when contacting the system administrator.

Frederik Holljen

Thursday 28 July 2005 7:52:50 am

Can you fish out the failed query from your logs and provide us some details about what database you are using? If you report it as a bug it is easier for us to follow up on.

Roberto Kirschbaum

Thursday 28 July 2005 8:22:54 am

Why should I have to fish anything out? Why don't all the necessary messages appear on screen? Anyways, the last messages that appear on mysql.log are:

123 Query INSERT INTO ezcontent_translation (name, locale) VALUES('Português', 'por-BR')
123 Query SELECT id, name, locale
FROM ezcontent_translation
WHERE locale='eng-US'
123 Query INSERT INTO ezcontent_translation (name, locale) VALUES('English (American)', 'eng-US')
123 Query BEGIN WORK
123 Query INSERT INTO ezcontentobject_name( contentobject_id,
real_translation )

SELECT con.contentobject_id,,

FROM ezcontentobject_name con

WHERE con.content_translation = 'por-BR'
123 Query ROLLBACK
123 Quit

Here's the system information that shows during install... what else should I inform? You asked about the database. It&acute;s a standard MySql 3.23.54 where I successfully installed 3.6.0 before.


Site info:
Template - Plain
Title - A Biblioteca Virtual do Estudante de Língua Portuguesa
Admin URL -
Access type - url
Access value - bibvirt
Functionality - contact_us, files, gallery, links, media, news, poll, weblog

PHP info:
Version - 4.3.1

OS info
Name - Linux 2.4.21-28872cl #1 Sex Mar 21 22:55:39 BRT 2003 i686
CPU Type - AMD Duron(tm) Processor
CPU Speed - 1000.047 MHz
Memory Size - 245788672 (234.40 MB)

Database info:
Type - MySQL
Driver - ezmysql

Email info:
Transport - sendmail

Image conversion:

ImageGD extension was found and used.

Regional info:
Primary - por-BR
Additional - eng-US, esl-MX, por-PT, por-BR

Critical tests

directory_permissions - Success
database_extensions - Success
image_conversion - Success
open_basedir - Success
safe_mode - Success
memory_limit - Success
execution_time - Success
magic_quotes_runtime - Success
php_session - Success
file_upload - Success

Other tests:

php_magicquotes - Failure
zlib_extension - Success
mbstring_extension - Success
imagegd_extension - Success
imagemagick_program - Failure
database_all_extensions - Failure
php_register_globals - Failure
texttoimage_functions - Success

I've posted this here at this forum section so we don't lose history. But following your suggestion I also reported it in the bug report section.


Gabriel Ambuehl

Thursday 28 July 2005 8:30:41 am

The messages don't appear on screen (unless you activate debugging) so that possibly sensitive information isn't sent to the user.


Roberto Kirschbaum

Thursday 28 July 2005 9:04:27 am

I agree, sensitive information should be protected. Fortunately I have some Linux background so I could find and read and post the last lines of mysql log. But on behalf of the programmers and other mortals who can't do that: how does one turn debugging on? Obviously it's not in the Admin interface, since at the time of the error the Admin interface was not working yet.

Looking at the last lines mysql log I had the intuition of trying to install it again, but this time not chosing por-BR as the main language (actually I didn't chose it even as a secondary language, I completely left it out) - - and it worked. I posted this info at the bug reporting section too.

Still I have the problem of not being able to use the provided .htaccess_root which is intended to heighten the security level but which makes my Apache 2.x get an "internal server error". (you see, I said I had <i>some</i> Linux background - not an <i>ideal</i> one)

joe mailey

Thursday 28 July 2005 12:10:01 pm

can some one help me with my installation :-) please. contact me on MSN are something . ?? i keep getting internal server erro . lol not fun:-(

Frederik Holljen

Thursday 28 July 2005 12:52:49 pm

You want to turn on global debugging and SQL debug in site.ini (you can find it in settings).
the settings you want to enable are named SQLOutput and DebugOutput.

joe mailey

Thursday 28 July 2005 1:16:07 pm

anyone who wants to help me please contact me by e-mail or msn -

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