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URI Not Parsing ?

URI Not Parsing ?

Tuesday 15 April 2003 10:22:59 pm - 15 replies

Author Message

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 16 April 2003 1:41:04 am

Could you show the rewrite rules?
And perhaps enable sql debug output?



Ethan Schoonover

Wednesday 16 April 2003 4:28:29 am

My full .htaccess (virtual host, no access to httpd.conf).

AddType php-cgi .php
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png|js)$ index.php

Tray Broda

Saturday 19 April 2003 4:13:30 am

Any solution to this? Or are we all dead in the water? I hate to have to switch to another CMS because of this...


Ethan Schoonover

Saturday 19 April 2003 6:34:37 am

Tray, don't give up yet. Ez crew is on easter break. I'm working on the problem actively. ez pub is still a great cms, snags are inevitable with the new release. If we all work on it, we'll crack the problem and you'll be rolling with ez publish soon!

Ethan Schoonover

Sunday 20 April 2003 1:26:36 am

Ok, some progress, but not a complete solution:

My hosting company requires php to be run asd php.cgi, otherwise base directory restrictions will be in effect (as well as system(), etc being restricted).

When running php as an apache module, not as cgi, the site functions "normally" (managing to survice the restricted php functionality) other than the significant annoyances such as no image variations, etc.

And from other posts such as it seems that ez publish doesn't like php running as cgi. ***Can this be confirmed?***

Tray Broda

Sunday 20 April 2003 8:31:30 am


Interesting observation. I, too, am running PHP as a cgi. I will change it over to a module and see if it works correctly.


Tray Broda

Sunday 20 April 2003 9:04:21 am

I changed it to a module. The logon page comes up - I log on as administrator (admin/publish) - and I now get a page can not be found error. Before, when loaded as a cgi, I would at least get the correct next page. Now it just get the above error.

That is the above URL it is trying to access when I get the error. So it appears that the parsing problem still exists, whether it is a module or cgi.


Ethan Schoonover

Sunday 20 April 2003 11:00:14 am

Tray, couldn't check that URL, the IP is local, not accessible to external networks. Are you getting a 500 (internal server error) or a 404?

If you ran ez setup initially, it might worthwhile reinstalling from scratch now that php is set to run as a module.

Also, do you have site.ini(.php) debug flags set?

Tray Broda

Monday 21 April 2003 4:41:14 am

Here is my debug from the initial logon page:

Timing: Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
Script start
Timing: Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
Module start 'user'
Error: eZTSTranslator::load Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
Could not load translation file: share/translations/eng-US/translation.ts
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Login' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Login' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Password' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Login' with comment(Button)
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Sign Up' with comment(Button)
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/user): 'User' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/user): 'Login' with comment()
Timing: Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
Module end 'user'
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): '%1 front page' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Search %1' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Printable version' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Welcome to eZ publish administration' with comment()
Warning: ezi18n Apr 21 2003 07:43:44
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'To log in enter a valid login and password.' with comment()
Timing: Apr 21 2003 07:43:44

This is as far as I can get - I enter my logon information and I get the same error I talked about in my previous message..."The page cannot be found" - and no error log because it's like IE can't even find the page to generate an error log


Tray Broda

Monday 21 April 2003 5:34:07 am

So I fixed the above problems... it appears that the cache file it generates, on line 3 - the iso char set - has an extra pair of quotes in it... I was not able to track down where this is genereated, but I manually changed it.... now the debug looks like:

Timing: Apr 21 2003 08:35:46
Script start
Timing: Apr 21 2003 08:35:46
Module start 'user'
Timing: Apr 21 2003 08:35:46
Module end 'user'
Timing: Apr 21 2003 08:35:46

I still, when I try to log on... get the same "page can not be found"

The only thing I can think of... is I have magic quotes gpc on - but that should do it, would it?


Karsten Jennissen

Tuesday 22 April 2003 4:15:44 am

Hi Tray,

I think this could be related to the memory limit setting in php.ini even though this is not the error message. Try a memory limit of larger than the default 8MB.


Tray Broda

Tuesday 22 April 2003 6:44:08 am

Did that last week. It's been at 16mb this entire time.


Ethan Schoonover

Tuesday 22 April 2003 8:45:42 pm

I've posted a separate thread titled PHP CGI in this forum for others to spot easily in the hopes we can start actively discussion running ez publish through php.cgi setups.

Tomek Klaudel

Tuesday 06 May 2003 3:52:51 am

Ez geeks...

Can you comment this problems, its looks like I have the same.
I setup rewrite rules, and I don't have nice urls :(


Jim Porter

Thursday 08 May 2003 5:09:33 am

I have this same problem running on IIS 5.1 on windows XP. Install worked fine but cannot access anything other than the first page that loads.

I have upped the cache memory setting to 12mb but no effect.

Desperately need help.


PS Anyone know how to set up a virtual host on IIS?

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