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Work Arrounds for Using Ez Publish with PHP CGI

Work Arrounds for Using Ez Publish with PHP CGI

Wednesday 16 March 2011 3:08:05 pm - 4 replies

Author Message

Ron Haines

Wednesday 16 March 2011 3:12:00 pm

This issue is self resolved.

The past is past and cannot be changed, while the future is shaped by action taken in the present.

Ron Haines

Wednesday 16 March 2011 3:14:19 pm

PS: This issue was self resolved.

The past is past and cannot be changed, while the future is shaped by action taken in the present.

André R.

Wednesday 27 April 2011 1:57:24 am

Since this thread pops up every month w/o links to prior threads: This should afik not be needed on 4.5/4.2011 and higher as cgi support is native now.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Ron Haines

Wednesday 27 April 2011 1:41:46 pm

I agree with you Andre, it is a moot poin on newer versions of EZP, but oour situation stemmed from our having our 2 enterprise sites, and running on EZP 4.3
When we migrated our sites to new servers in Feb was when all the glitches I have been dealing with rared up and gave us headaches.
Corporate was concerned that trying an upgrade might only make things worse (should something go wrong) and so we opted for patching 4.3 to deal with the bugs that Ez now says are fixed in 4.5

I posted our solutions here so that those in similar situations, where upgrading might not be an option, could find reference to solutions that might work for them also.

But, you are correct and I should have pointed out that this and other work arounds I have posted are for EZP 4.3

PS: since the 4.3 bugs were fixed it has performed flawlessly as you can see by visiting the above mentioned sites.
Given the popularity of these two Las Vegas and Laughlin Nevada casinos, feel free to use them of examples of EZPs ability to be used in commercial websites.

Thanks for the reply.

The past is past and cannot be changed, while the future is shaped by action taken in the present.

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