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Tuesday 24 June 2003 3:13:25 am - 2 replies

Modified on Tuesday 24 June 2003 9:05:24 am by laurent le cadet

Author Message

Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 24 June 2003 12:02:46 pm

I assume your class 14 is new. If so you may need to give your anonymous user access to it through user/roles functionality.

laurent le cadet

Tuesday 24 June 2003 11:47:44 pm

It works better now. But I still have a problem in printing the content.
I just see a lik and when I click on it it just display the name and the description but not the flash file itself.

Here's the template embed_media.tpl :

{switch name=mediaType match=$attribute.contentclass_attribute.data_text1}
<object codebase=",0,0,0"
width="{$attribute.content.width}" height="{$attribute.content.height}">
<param name="movie" value={concat("content/download/",$attribute.contentobject_id,"/",$attribute.content.contentobject_attribute_id,"/",$attribute.content.original_filename)|ezurl} />
<param name="quality" value="{$attribute.content.quality}" />
<param name="play" value="{section show=$attribute.content.is_autoplay}true{/section}" />
<param name="loop" value="{section show=$attribute.content.is_loop}true{/section}" />
<embed src={concat("content/download/",$attribute.contentobject_id,"/",$attribute.content.contentobject_attribute_id,"/",$attribute.content.original_filename)|ezurl}
quality="{$attribute.content.quality}" pluginspage="{$attribute.content.pluginspage}"
width="{$attribute.content.width}" height="{$attribute.content.height}" play="{section show=$attribute.content.is_autoplay}true{/section}"
loop="{section show=$attribute.content.is_loop}true{/section}" >

It's on the page, but the file is display with another one :

{default node_name=$}<img src={"class_2.png"|ezimage} border="0" alt="{'Document'|i18n('design/standard/node/view')}" /> <a href={concat('content/view/full/',$node.node_id)|ezurl}>{$node_name|wash}</a>{/default}

I don't understand how it works together.

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