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Advice please multiple questions and one answer...

Advice please multiple questions and one answer...

Friday 30 July 2004 7:05:08 am - 3 replies

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Tom Ventresco

Saturday 31 July 2004 8:54:59 am



I scrapped my 7.2 server for a FedoraCore1 with upgrades. eZ tar install works fine.

mod_layout need ---> Anyone using mod_layout, you can use eZ pub's toolbar to accomplish the same thing as headers. Also mod_layout seems to need apache 1.3.X not 2.0.x. Note I did not try to compile and DSO this mod. It might work, but I doubt it.

On to calendars ;)

Davis Weddi

Saturday 31 July 2004 12:48:51 pm

I hope am not disturbing. The last time I was here was last year. I am suprised there are so many developments with newer versions. However, I am not yet clear about this setup and installation process. I have downloaded and unzipped EZ. But then I was torn between uploading the files to my site so as to install and trying out the set up before uploading. Now tell me, which way? I decided to upload first and I do not know what to do next. I hope it is not a grave mistake. If I did then let someone advise. Anyay I am very new to this hole thing, I came to this stage through reading very many website.

Tom Ventresco

Sunday 01 August 2004 12:50:53 pm

Hi Davis,

Please keep in mind I am a complete noob to eZ publish. If I am understanding your question you have an existing webserver and you want to check out ez publish. Cool.

You need a supported db running like MySQL I am assuming a LAMP install here.

I would create a folder in the root of your web server ( mkdir /var/www/html/testcms ).
Unpack the file for your system like tar -zxvf ezpub.tar.gz
This process creates a folder in the folder you executed the tar program ie ezpublish-3.4.1
Open this folder | select all the files and folders and copy them to your testcms folder.
Now open your web browser and goto http://yourwebserver/testcms/
The setup process starts...correct pre-flight issues.

One issue I have is pre-flight sees GD and not imagemagick which is clearly installed. I use convert all the time. Answer questions and the next time you access
http://yourwebserver/testcms/index.php you will see your test site.

My early issues. I ususally compile php and apache via Apachetoolbox. BUT this time I am using a FedoraCore1 RD system with everything installed via RPM and updated with apt-get. So I am using Apache 2.0.50, PHP 4.3.8, and MySQL 3.last release.
There is an issue with RD installs - - > you need the phpcli binary to run the runcronjobs.php file... if you are using RedHat your php is most likely in PHP CGI mode.
WHICH I understand is the way the PHP guys want it run. There is a hack on the forum which works for me... search for "phpcli workaround."

Download the "Building an eZine site" pdf. Quite good. I also purchased the book. Complex. The guys in the forum going back and forth over CGI and CLI php are both
contributors of this book. :) I tend to lean towards the "fix it" side.

Now if you download the RPM complete installer it loads apache, php, and MySQL. I would not run this on an existing LAMP system. You will have two webservers running on port 80 amoung other issues. Like php being installed as a CGI and CLI and being two versions of php. The complete install downloads work well on a system that does NOT have PHP, Apache, and MySQL installed already. As stated on the web site Testing Only.
BUT hey apache 1.3.28 could run forever :) The install paths are not standard.

Good luck,


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