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Dynamic right column

Dynamic right column

Tuesday 04 October 2005 4:39:27 am - 7 replies

Modified on Tuesday 04 October 2005 4:41:23 am by Yngve Bergheim

Author Message

Yngve Bergheim

Tuesday 04 October 2005 4:43:56 am

And I was thinking of setting the "RightColumn" folder to be hidden, so it doesn't show in the main content.

Matt Reston

Tuesday 04 October 2005 10:32:58 am

Excellent. Unfortunately i can't help you with this, but i was about to post the very same question and also await any information people can provide.

Yngve Bergheim

Wednesday 05 October 2005 2:45:19 am

Okey, my first try:

{* set children variable *}
{let children=fetch('content',tree,hash(parent_node_id,$module_result.node_id,
	                     class_filter_type,  include,
                           class_filter_array, array( 'folder' ),

{* loop children *}
{section name=Child loop=$children}
	{* If we find folder RightColumn *}
	{if eq( $, 'RightColumn' )}
		Test: {$}<br>			

		{let thischildren=fetch('content',tree,hash(parent_node_id,$Child:item.node_id))}
		Test: thischildren{$thischildren:item|attribute(show)}	
			{* Loop trough content inside RightColumn folder *}
			{section name=subchild loop=$thischildren}
			Test: subchild


It produce:

Test: RightColumn
Test: thischildren
Attribute	Type	Value	

So $thischildren is never set. Why? I have content inside mye RightColumn folder. Is it not possible to have a nested loop?

Roy Bøhmer

Thursday 06 October 2005 3:15:33 am

I've once done a similar task. The way I solved it was to make a seperate class (named 'sidebox' or something). The template logic is pretty much the same you describe. The main advantage (i think) is that by doing this
- you can add additional features to the content presented, by adding optional attributes to the class.
- its esier to fetch nodes from a spesific class, rather than match the name.
- you dont have to hide the node, but just assure that none of the class-attributes is searchable, and that there are no useful template to view its content for the user.

Instead of making a brand new class you can add an attribute to the folder-class, determing if dynamic right column content is to be shown for this folder. The point is: I would not recomend making a folder-node with more or less "dummy-content" to add funcionality.

To comment on your code-sample:
First: It looks like you first looks for 'RightColumn'-folders in parent-node. Then, if it finds one, try to fetch children to the 'RightColumn'-folder. If I have understood the consept of 'RightColumn'-folders, it probably dont have any children.

Test: thischildren{$thischildren:item|attribute(show)}

should be

Test: thischildren{$thischildren.0|attribute(show)}

$thischildren is an array (since you used fetch,tree). It's only when you do a loop (section) you need the .item.

Hope it helps!


Yngve Bergheim

Thursday 06 October 2005 6:07:04 am

Thank you very much. Your answer is appreciated!

Your idea is very good.

I can just make a sidebar class (copy the folder class), and then the sidebar-folder will display all the children nodes in the right column. I'll definitively go for that. Thanks!

Your code

Test: thischildren{$thischildren.0|attribute(show)}

Didn't work for me.

Any idea of how I can go reverse in the nodes? If I don't find a sidebar class in the current folder I would like to fetch a sidebar in parent node, grandparent... etc.

Roy Bøhmer

Thursday 06 October 2005 2:44:59 pm

At least in pagelayout you have $module_result.path which is an array containing (among other) node_id. You find something similar in $node.'something'. When you know each node_id in the path, you can do some fetching and tests to find the latest folder with a sidebar-class child.

It's late, and I already should have gone to bed, so sorry for not posting any code.


Yngve Bergheim

Friday 14 October 2005 2:17:21 am

Wow. It works!

This is how you can make dynamic right column;

1. Make a sidebar class (copy the folder class)
2. Put the sidebar code below in your right column template file (to try it quick and dirty, add it in design/standard/templates/toolbar/full/node_list.tpl
3. The sidebar-folder will display all the children nodes in the right column.
4. Modify your folder.tpl so it does not show sidebar classes: Add the following code in &#8220;set list_items=fetch_alias(&#8230;&#8221;

class_filter_type, exclude,
class_filter_array, array( 'sidebar' ),

Sidebar code:

{def $thisNode=$node}
{def $thisParent=$thisNode.node_id}
{def $isSidebar=false() }
{def $i=0 }

{* Loop untill we find a sidebar *}
{while ne($isSidebar,true() )  }

	{* Make sure we don't walk up the node tree more then 4 times *}
	{if ne($i,4)}	
		{* Fetch current node and make sure sidebar is a children *}	
		{let Children=fetch('content', 'list', 
					hash('parent_node_id', $thisParent,
					'depth', 1,
					class_filter_type, include,
					class_filter_array, array( 'sidebar' ),
			{* If this node got a sidebar, print it *}
			{if eq($,'Sidebar') }
				{section var=childrenList loop=$Children}
					{node_view_gui view=full content_node=$childrenList}
					{set $isSidebar=true() }
			    {set $thisParent=$thisNode.node_id}
			    {* If this node not is the root node, get parent node *}
			    {if ne($thisNode.node_id,1) }
   			    	{set $thisNode=fetch('content','node',hash('node_id',$thisNode.parent_node_id))}
   			    	{set $isSidebar=true()}
		{set i=$i|inc}
		{set $isSidebar=true()}
{undef $thisNode}
{undef $isSidebar}	
{undef $thisParent}

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