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Enum multiple choice changes to single choice on update

Enum multiple choice changes to single choice on update

Sunday 05 August 2007 5:08:30 pm - 4 replies

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Sunday 05 August 2007 5:14:11 pm


The enum datatype is deprecated and has been for a very long time (since before 3.6). Some say it's slow while others have reported it as simply buggy and inaccurate in real use.

I've seen and tracked a (unreported) bug in production of a very old 3.4 site back in 2005 where it was simply inaccurate causing inaccuracies in production use where it just did not work as advertised/documented just before it was deprecated.

I think it would be most wise to <i>stop</i> using it for your production eZ Publish web sites.

Consider using the 'selection' datatype instead or if that does not meet your needs create your own derivative datatype based on selection or the enhancedselection datatypes.

<i>"This datatype should not be used any more because it is slow. It has been substituted by the "Selection" datatype."</i> From: <i></i>



Brookins Consulting |
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eZpedia community documentation project |

J Jones

Tuesday 07 August 2007 3:20:06 am

Hi Heath,

Many thanks for your input.

I did go with the solution mentioned in my previous post (custom made data types is too complicated, at least for me).

Unfortunately I ran into new problems. Mostly because in my templates I can't check if tha attribute has a value or not.

I have my own user class, with about 20 attributes. Most of them are text line, so on various pages I use something like

{if $}
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$},

Previously for enum-datatype I used

<p><strong>{'Organisation - geographic outreach'|i18n('design/standard/user/register')}:</strong><br />
	{foreach $user.contentobject.data_map.organisationoutreach.content.enumobject_list as $element}  
	{$element.enumelement}<br />

.. which worked well.

But changing to the new data type i CAN'T retrieve the value.

A simple 'object.has.content' like above only returns <i>ezcontentclassattribute</i>. i tried with '$myobject(attribute(show)' in numerous variations but can't figure out how to do it from the result...

Any ideas,



Tuesday 07 August 2007 3:56:58 am


I may have encountered a similar issue in the past when trying to use a 'selection' like solution.

The follow code references are not tested or suited for any specific purpose .. just yet. Still, I believe that you may find code which you can use within them...

Take a long detailed look at the following (and all the rest of the related code within each contribution) for an example of the features you require.

First suggestion

Second suggestion

I am fairly certain each of these contains examples of testing within a template if datatype / attribute has content and using the content.


Brookins Consulting |
Certified |
Solutions |
eZpedia community documentation project |

J Jones

Thursday 09 August 2007 12:02:23 pm

Hi again,

Thanks for the links.

I ended up doing a quite simple approach by nesting two foreach-loops.

{foreach $user.contentobject.data_map.selection_array.class_content.options as $element}
          {foreach $user.contentobject.data_map.selection_array.content as $childelement}  
                    {if eq($, $childelement)}
	            {$}<br />

The first foreach gave me:

Attribute Type Value
0 array Array(2)
>id string 0
>name string 'Global'
1 array Array(2)
>id string 1
>name string 'Africa (Sub-Sahara)'

And the second one..

Attribute Type Value
0 string 1
1 string 5
2 string 7

So by nesting the foreach:es I managed to map them together.

Like the value 1 for the second foreach would correspond to the name 'Africa (Sub-Sahara)' and only write out the selected option values (1, 5 and 7).

It might not be the cleanest approach but it worked fine for me.


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