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Export data from EZ 3.8.6 and import data to EZ 4.0?

Export data from EZ 3.8.6 and import data to EZ 4.0?

Thursday 01 May 2008 1:46:21 am - 3 replies

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Steven E. Bailey

Thursday 01 May 2008 4:37:32 am

It depends on how much content you have whether or not it would be worth it. But, an update to 4.0 from 3.8.6 should almost always be a lot easier than migrating content unless you only have 10 objects or something.

What exactly went wrong? I notice this is your first post so maybe its easier to ask for help in the upgrade.

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Roman Svet

Thursday 01 May 2008 12:59:12 pm

I have multi language site, primary language russian, second english. Russian is primary language. I have two siteaccesses, one for english version of site and second for russian. I use static cache and nice urls.
Some days ago my hosting provider upgrade php version to 5.2 and after this site is down.
I tried to upgrade to EZ 4.0. After upgrade documents in russian disappeared from admin area. Documents tree from left was in russian by default, but now I see only english version. When I am trying to edit any english version of document instead of edit form I get error "The requested page could not be displayed. (20)" I understand that one problem is problem with urls, And second with language, but I don't know how to fix it. When I run updateniceurls.php script nothings happen. Also I get strange error when try to access images from media library

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/dima240/public_html/xataua/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagegdhandler.php on line 263

You can see my site here for russian version and for english. Some links working properly because is static version. But when I remove static cache site is falling down and don't come back. What I can to do?


Roman Svet

Saturday 03 May 2008 5:35:07 am

I fixed problem with language, problem was that I just accidental dropped changes from admin siteaccess. But problem with urls still remain actual. I tried to debug updateniceurls.php script, and found that code

     $rows = $db->arrayQuery( $sql );

always return empty set. For example code

    $rows = $db->arrayQuery( 'SELECT count(*) AS count FROM ezurlalias' );
    $urlCount = $rows[0]['count'];

must return 834 (I have 834 records in table "ezurlalias") always return null. I am using MySQL 5.02. Can be problem in this? Or may be have somebody alternate script for update url aliases?

UPDATE: I just updated urls, problem was in connection to database, I wish in future update scripts would return more debug information for avoid such problems. Thanks for CMS :)

UPDATE2: Fixed error

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/dima240/public_html/xataua/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagegdhandler.php on line 263

For fix you must change code in function static function createImageBorder from /lib/ezimage/classes/ezimagegdhandler.php. Code

$temporaryImageObject = $this->imageCopy( $imageObject,
                                                  $this->createGeometry( $newWidth, $newHeight, $borderWidth, $borderHeight ),
                                                  $this->createGeometry( $width, $height, 0, 0 ),
                                                  $sourceMimeData, $destinationMimeData );

must be changed to code

$temporaryImageObject = eZImageGDHandler::imageCopy( $imageObject,
                                                  eZImageGDHandler::createGeometry( $newWidth, $newHeight, $borderWidth, $borderHeight ),
                                                  eZImageGDHandler::createGeometry( $width, $height, 0, 0 ),
                                                  $sourceMimeData, $destinationMimeData );


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