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How to access the admin pages?

How to access the admin pages?

Saturday 13 December 2003 8:33:23 am - 4 replies

Author Message

Mike Borozdin

Saturday 13 December 2003 11:36:47 am

You should use this:{site_path}_admin
{site_path} is the path to your site, you must ave specified it when isntalling EZ, if you didn't change it, it can be:
Corporate website: index.php/corporate_admin
Gallery: index.php/gallery_admin
Bookshop: index.php/bookshop_admin
News: index.php/news_admin
Plain: index.php/plain_admin
Personal: index.php/mysite_admin

Theo Molenaar

Sunday 14 December 2003 10:31:42 am

Doesn't work. Again a 404 error. Also all the links on the homepage are also not working. E.g. a link refers to, but again this gives a 404 error.

BTW: the setup wizzard ends with links to the admin page and the user page. These links both don't work because they refer to and I previously said that the user page works, but I come to this via

I did a reinstallation to check if i missed someting, but again I'm getting the same problem. Who can help?

It seems that the webserver is looking for a directory called and that the part after 'index.php' is not parsed as extra info. Is this a setting in the webserver environment? I am running Linux Redhat 8.0.

Theo Molenaar

Monday 15 December 2003 10:47:12 am

I am getting further (I think). It seems that the rewriteengine doesn't work properly, or that the .htaccess file doesn't have the proper syntax. I haven't modified the .htaccess file, I just copied it from .htaccess_root as the install guide tells.

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

<FilesMatch ".">
order allow,deny
deny from all

<FilesMatch "(index\.php|\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html))$">
order allow,deny
allow from all

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html)$ index.php

DirectoryIndex index.php

Who can help?

Theo Molenaar

Monday 15 December 2003 11:48:35 am

Found it. It is NOT the rewrite enigine, but the PATH_INFO variable. See post
for full details.

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