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how to use HTML tags in translation?

how to use HTML tags in translation?

Saturday 06 February 2010 4:01:58 pm - 2 replies

Modified on Saturday 06 February 2010 4:02:24 pm by Marko Žmak

Author Message

Gaetano Giunta

Sunday 07 February 2010 7:40:23 am

use < and >

nb: I generally think this is a VERY bad idea, as you are preventing the translation from usage in non-html mode (eg. emails or xml output), and hardcoding some design into it. You should rather split your phrases in smaller parts...

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Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 08 February 2010 2:42:12 am

Here is a proper eZ Publish way example:

{'Fields marked with %open_tag*%close_tag are mandatory'|i18n('design/custom/context', ,hash('%open_tag', '<span>', '%close_tag', '</span>'))}

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