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[solved] Site title missing on certain pages

[solved] Site title missing on certain pages

Sunday 13 November 2005 9:34:22 pm - 7 replies

Modified on Thursday 17 November 2005 2:41:16 pm by Nathan Kelly

Author Message

Nathan Kelly

Tuesday 15 November 2005 2:27:43 pm

Hi all, I've lost two days on this problem now, has anybody got any idea why the site title might be missing from the pages mentioned above?

Or more to the point how I can add a site title to these pages?

As I said the $module_result.path seems to be the culprit but I don't know why it will not work I haven't done anything that should effect it.

Please please help, any ideas welcome...


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Bruce Morrison

Tuesday 15 November 2005 9:06:17 pm

Hi Nathan

I suspect that this is the same issue as with the navigation on these pages - variables that you are relying on simply do not exist or have a different form when in these modes.

What you are tring to do does appear to work in the standard admin templates while editing.

Look at how it's done in design/standard/templates/page_head.tpl


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Nathan Kelly

Tuesday 15 November 2005 9:17:02 pm

Thanks Bruce, I agree this is similar to my previous problem.

The template you mention "design/standard/templates/page_head.tpl" is the template I am currently using, even if I let ez fall back to that exact template the problem persists.

Is there perhaps an .ini setting I may have overlooked?


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Bruce Morrison

Tuesday 15 November 2005 10:56:38 pm

Hi Nathan

What does adding {$module_result.title_path|attribute(show,3)} to the pagelayout give you when you are on these pages?


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Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 16 November 2005 3:10:17 pm

Hi Bruce thanks for your suggestion, I tried {$module_result.title_path|attribute(show,3)} in the page layout and I found that on my "content" pages the output was something like this (depending on the depth of the node)

Attribute 	Type 		Value
0 		array 		Array(4)
>text 		string 		'Site name'
>url 		string 		'/content/view/full/2'
>url_alias 	string 		''
>node_id 	string 		2
1 		array 		Array(4)
>text 		string 		'Folder name'
>url 		string 		'/content/view/full/77'
>url_alias 	string 		'folder_name'
>node_id 	string 		77
2 		array 		Array(3)
>text 		string 		'Page name'
>url 		boolean 	false
>url_alias 	boolean 	false

But on pages such as "content/advancedsearch", "content/edit" etc. there is no output.

I tried the same thing with {$module_result.path|attribute(show,3)} and on the "content/advancedsearch" and "content/edit" etc. and I got this output (depending on the page, this is the search page).

Attribute 	Type 		Value
0 		array 		Array(2)
>text 		string 		'Search'
>url 		boolean 	false
1 		array 		Array(2)
>text 		string 		'Advanced'
>url 		boolean 	false

Any ideas? Should I try replacing the title_path in page head?


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Gurudutt Verma

Thursday 17 November 2005 2:05:41 am


Could you show me the template code showing the title ?

for e.g. page_head.tpl

Nathan Kelly

Thursday 17 November 2005 2:40:49 pm

Hi Gurudutt, I think I have found the problem, the custom page_head.tpl I was using had a couple of slight changes that have affected the output (not sure why).

However I have switched my template with the original and the title is working correctly now.

In the custom template I tried to change the reverse path, I'm not used to reverse paths on the site title so I attempted to un-reverse it, it seems this is what caused the problem.

So now I know I can't un-reverse the path I can live with that, I wouldn't have thought this would cause a problem because it worked on most of the pages, just not the pages like "content/edit" etc.

Sorry for the trouble, this was really bugging me but thankyou all for your patience.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

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