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View Slideshow by default

View Slideshow by default

Wednesday 18 May 2011 3:25:31 am - 2 replies

Author Message

Veronique Jamilloux

Thursday 19 May 2011 2:21:45 am


In my home page have a slide show using a javascript :

 // Lister ci-dessous toutes les images qui vont s'afficher

NewImg = new Array (
var ImgNum = 0;
var ImgLength = NewImg.length - 1;

//Time delay between Slides in milliseconds
var delay = 2000;

var lock = false;
var run;

function chgImg(direction) {
    if (document.images) {
        ImgNum = ImgNum + direction;
        if (ImgNum > ImgLength) {
            ImgNum = 0;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if (ImgNum < 0) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ImgNum = ImgLength;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; document.slideshow.src = "/design/urgi/" + NewImg[ImgNum];
&nbsp;&nbsp; }

function auto() {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if (lock == true) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lock = false;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; window.clearInterval(run);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; else if (lock == false) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lock = true;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; run = setInterval("chgImg(1)", delay);
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }

In my template where I define the <body> tag, I put

&nbsp;<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" {if eq($currentNode.node_id,$Root_Node)}onload="auto();"{/if}>

This is my case, may be it will help you.



Route de Saint Cyr
78000 Versailles

Andy Woods

Thursday 19 May 2011 7:57:20 am

Hi Veronique,

Thanks for your post.

I chose to copy the slideshow code from the ezwebin image.tpl instead and add it to my gallery.tpl.  I just needed to change the fetch statements a little so that the parent node_id wasn't selected.

{def $sort_order=$node.parent.sort_array[0][1]
     $sort_column_value=cond( $sort_column|eq( 'published' ), $node.object.published,
                             $sort_column|eq( 'modified' ), $node.object.modified,
                             $sort_column|eq( 'name' ), $,
                             $sort_column|eq( 'priority' ), $node.priority,
                             $sort_column|eq( 'modified_subnode' ), $node.modified_subnode,
                             false() ) }
{if $sort_column_value|eq( false() )}
    {set $sort_column_value = $node.object.published
         $sort_column = 'published'}
    $previous_image = fetch( 'content', 'list', hash( 'parent_node_id', $node.node_id,
                                                       'class_filter_type', 'include',
                                                       'class_filter_array', array( 'image' ),
                                                       'limit', '1',
                                                       'attribute_filter', array( 'and', array( $sort_column, $sort_order|choose( '>', '<' ), $sort_column_value ) ),
                                                       'sort_by', array( array( $sort_column, $sort_order|not ), array( 'node_id', $sort_order|not ) ) ) )
     $next_image = fetch( 'content', 'list', hash( 'parent_node_id', $node.node_id,
                                                   'class_filter_type', 'include',
                                                   'class_filter_array', array( 'image' ),
                                                   'limit', '2',
                                                   'attribute_filter', array( 'and', array( $sort_column, $sort_order|choose( '<', '>' ), $sort_column_value ) ),
                                                   'sort_by', array( array( $sort_column, $sort_order ), array( 'node_id', $sort_order ) ) ) ) }  
<div class="content-view-full">
    <div class="class-image">
        <div class="attribute-header">
        {if is_unset( $versionview_mode )}
        <div class="content-navigator">
            {if $previous_image}
                <div class="content-navigator-previous">
                    <div class="content-navigator-arrow">&laquo; </div><a href={$previous_image[0].url_alias|ezurl} title="{$previous_image[0].name|wash}">{'Previous image'|i18n( 'design/ezwebin/full/image' )}</a>
                <div class="content-navigator-previous-disabled">
                    <div class="content-navigator-arrow">&laquo; </div>{'Previous image'|i18n( 'design/ezwebin/full/image' )}
            {if $previous_image}
                <div class="content-navigator-separator">|</div>
                <div class="content-navigator-separator-disabled">|</div>
            {def $parent=$next_image[0].parent}
                <div class="content-navigator-forum-link"><a href={$parent.url_alias|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a></div>
            {if $next_image[0]}
                <div class="content-navigator-separator">|</div>
                <div class="content-navigator-separator-disabled">|</div>
            {if $next_image[1]}
                <div class="content-navigator-next">
                    <a href={$next_image[1].url_alias|ezurl} title="{$next_image[1].name|wash}">{'Next image'|i18n( 'design/ezwebin/full/image' )}</a><div class="content-navigator-arrow"> &raquo;</div>
                <div class="content-navigator-next-disabled">
                    {'Next image'|i18n( 'design/ezwebin/full/image' )}<div class="content-navigator-arrow"> &raquo;</div>
        <div class="attribute-image">
            <p>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$next_image[0].data_map.image image_class=imagelarge}</p>
        <div class="attribute-caption">
            {attribute_view_gui attribute=$next_image[0].data_map.caption}
        {include uri='design:parts/image/related_content.tpl'}

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