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Webdav ?

Webdav ?

Thursday 06 December 2007 7:30:37 am - 6 replies

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Nicolas Lescure

Friday 07 December 2007 2:20:04 am


Have you activated the rewrite module and the webdav modules in your apache ?

Try to put an "exit;" at the top of your webdav.php to see if your apache configuration is ok.

Then, try to use a site access in your url : http://webdav.local/fre

Maxime Thomas

Friday 07 December 2007 4:55:40 am

Ok, I've got it. It was a bad configuration in httpd.conf.
I had an error in the apache error log concerning precedence of the NameVirtualHost directive. My conf was :

NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80

And I declared two virtual hosts : localhost and webdav.local.

So I tried :

NameVirtualHost localhost:80
NameVirtualHost webdav.local:80
Listen 80

I restart Apache and tried to access : http://webdav.local/fre with DAV explorer and it works.

You don't need to enable the DAV module for Apache, it works without it.

Anyway thanks.

Maxime Thomas | |

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Maxime Thomas

Friday 07 December 2007 5:23:34 am

I tried to change the webdav.ini.append.php to add the Gallery class as a folder class.
I doesn't seem to work. I deconnect and reconnect my web folder but my gallery content still doesn't appear... I clean the cache of eZ and explorer but nothing happens.

Any ideas ?


Maxime Thomas | |

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Maxime Thomas

Friday 07 December 2007 5:33:52 am

Like always, I spent two hours to decide if I'm going to put a post on and after five minutes I find the solution.

When you try to connect to the ez webdav server, you must specify the sitaccess that you want to connect to by adding the siteaccess to the url. In my case : http://webdav.local/fre where fre is the siteaccess.

And, naturally, eZ will check permissions and translations.

In my issue, I was trying to see an english gallery in the french siteaccess... :-/

Maxime Thomas | |

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Nicolas Lescure

Friday 07 December 2007 5:38:37 am

Don't modify the webdav.ini to add a class, use the upload.ini instead.

Maxime Thomas

Thursday 13 March 2008 6:18:46 am

Hi again,

I already got problems with this functionality and specially with the connection.
I've got the right Apach config which allows me to have to virtual hosts :
- one for the standard site : site:80
- one for the webdav : site:81

It's working, I can access separately the webdav and the standard site.

<b>But</b> when I use cadaver to access the content file, I can only reach the list of siteaccess. If I try to enter one siteaccess, I've got an error :

Could not access /wascou/ (not WebDAV-enabled?):
404 Not found

This is very weird because I have not to login to reach the list of siteaccess.
Does someone has an idea ?

Here's my webdav log :

2008-03-13 18:35:37 : ========================================
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : Requested URI is: / [webdav.php]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : WebDAV server started... [processClientRequest]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : start url: / [CS:processURL]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : indexdir url:  [CS:processURL]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : ----------------------------------------
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : Client says: PROPFIND [processClientRequest]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : Target: / [processClientRequest]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : ----------------------------------------
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : PROPFIND was issued from client. [processClientRequest]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : Depth: 1. [processClientRequest]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : Root: Fethcing site list [CS:getCollectionContent]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : Client requested 7 properties. [outputCollectionContent]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : XML was parsed [outputCollectionContent]
2008-03-13 18:35:37 : handle function was called with status: 11 [handle]
2008-03-13 18:35:48 : ========================================
2008-03-13 18:35:48 : Requested URI is: /wascou/ [webdav.php]
2008-03-13 18:35:48 : start path: /wascou/ [CS:currentSiteFromPath]
2008-03-13 18:35:48 : indexdir: wascou/ [CS:currentSiteFromPath]
2008-03-13 18:35:48 : no valid site was found.. [CS:currentSiteFromPath]

Maxime Thomas | |

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