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What causes ezpublish to create sessions ?

What causes ezpublish to create sessions ?

Thursday 01 April 2004 1:09:04 pm - 12 replies

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Paul Forsyth

Thursday 01 April 2004 1:19:58 pm

PHP creates the sessions.

Which version of PHP are you using? I believe the latest versions don't show the session id...


Bruce Morrison

Thursday 01 April 2004 3:00:53 pm

Hi Nick

To get rid of the session variabl from the URL try setting session.use_trans_sid off in php.ini.

ez Publish generates sessions every time someone accesses a site.


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Nick Woods

Friday 02 April 2004 3:28:08 am

Thankyou both - I'm using php 4.3.4 and currently session.use_trans_sid is On. I also have the google problem so i hope it will fix both problems

Nick Woods

Monday 05 April 2004 9:47:28 am

I've now changed my php.ini settings and am no longer getting session ids in the URL - thanks once again for the help

However, google is still only indexing the home page and doesnt appear to be following any links - it last indexed my site after i made the change to php.ini

I have <meta name="robots" content="ALL"> on all the pages, which if i undertstand it correctly should cause google to index my site (i got this from but it doesnt appear to be working

Any ideas ?

Tony Wood

Monday 05 April 2004 2:29:19 pm


You should check that your site does not use Javascript for navigation. If your site does use Javascript Googles will not understand this and stop.

To test this try running your site on a browsers with JS disabled. If you are running Linux use 'lynx' as this is a great way to test your site.

-- tony

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Bruce Morrison

Monday 05 April 2004 3:30:42 pm

Hi Nick

Post the URL of the site in question so we can have a look?


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Nick Woods

Tuesday 06 April 2004 2:04:23 am

Thanks again for the replies

The site is and there isnt any javascript used for navigation - I tried it out with javascript disabled and it worked fine.

Google re-indexed it again last night but it still only appears to have looked at the home page.

Bruce Morrison

Tuesday 06 April 2004 4:19:46 pm

Hi Nick

The following link will let you know what pages from the site are in the google index -

It may take a couple of days or weeks for google to "find" the links now you have gotten rid of the session info from the URL and then a couple more for them to actually appear in the search results.

The only thing I'd be wary of is that the links contain index.php followed by the page reference. We run our sites with the apache rewrite rule which eliminates this and I'm not sure how google handles these types of links. I would have though they would be OK.


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Nick Woods

Wednesday 07 April 2004 1:09:37 am

Thanks Bruce. Can you tell me what settings you use for the rewrite rule and where you make the change ? This isnt something I've come across before

Bruce Morrison

Wednesday 07 April 2004 5:14:16 am

Hi Nick



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Nick Woods

Wednesday 07 April 2004 5:54:03 am

Thanks again Bruce - I'll give this a try. Are those the rewriterule settings that you use ?

Nick Woods

Wednesday 07 April 2004 3:05:47 pm

I've made the change and the site appears to work exactly as before exceot that index.php isnt shown any more, so its just a case of waiting for another visit from the googlebot.

Thanks once again

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