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Community Download Page on please

Community Download Page on please

Friday 15 October 2010 9:17:43 am - 7 replies

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Thiago Campos Viana

Friday 15 October 2010 9:49:41 am

There is a link in the top menu of this site: "Download & Develop".

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


Tony Wood

Friday 15 October 2010 12:50:17 pm

Hi Thiago,

I agree there is a link here, but I feel there should be a community page on that helps people know where to go.

A good example is


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Thiago Campos Viana

Saturday 16 October 2010 2:28:56 pm

Yep, I agree, but it could be some type of business oriented decision, I think we can't do anything about that.

The main purpose of this decision could be the totally separation of eZ system services and image from the community members activities, something like: "this is our site, if you are a business man we can help you, but if you are a developer here's the link of our community site". Maybe some usability issue, making the main site more business friendly.

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


*- pike

Thursday 09 December 2010 3:58:34 am

Yep, I agree, but it could be some type of business oriented decision, I think we can't do anything about that.

Interesting - indeed the download link is completely stuffed away (go to the community site, click 'develop and download', look at the sidebar, click there again ... then go read the documentation to see what version you'd need ... ) and the link in the documentation (under 'download and install') yields an error. Is that a business oriented decision ? Interesting, interesting, ...


The class eZContentObjectTreeNode does.

Nicolas Pastorino

Thursday 09 December 2010 4:33:18 am


Let's sit back and relax a bit. I agree that the connection between and should be made clearer, and this should happen as soon as eZ starts gearing-up again on the project.

Per the "Download & Develop" page : you guys may have noticed that when hovering on this menu entry, a sub-entry pops-up, reading "download". One click saved. We may need to make this easier if you think it is need, please file a request for enhancement there, we have never willingly scorned any request for enhancement or bug-report related to, the only resource we are short of is time.

...and the link in the documentation (under 'download and install') yields an error.

Would you mind precising which link you are referring to ? We can surely fix this very quickly.


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Tony Wood

Thursday 09 December 2010 5:07:21 am

I agree Nicolas, I do not think this is intentional, we just need joined up thinking with main eZ and Community to deliver a seamless front to new customers. Maybe it is because the community is racing ahead and doing some great work at cracking pace. Would be nice to create some "friendly competition" to see if can keep up ;-)

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Nicolas Pastorino

Thursday 09 December 2010 6:16:17 am

Healthy competition is a good rule of thumb indeed. Stay tuned, we all got to get this Ecosystem to the next step !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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