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Styleguide and word list

Styleguide and word list

Monday 21 June 2010 12:00:09 pm - 1 reply

Modified on Monday 21 June 2010 12:05:11 pm by Robin Muilwijk

Author Message

Robin Muilwijk

Saturday 17 July 2010 12:54:21 pm

I now have permission from the original authors of and, both translation guides. Any one interested in helping me draft a guide for eZ? And more important, work on a word list also? The word list could then also be used for a Phrase Book for Linquist, the tool used to translate for eZ.

-- Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

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