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Blog postsFriday 19 August 2011 12:52
So I'm trying to debug a site which has ajax calls to a module that serves xml. Of course the debug output appended to the xml breaks it. I've had this problem before but I never bothered looking closer at it until now.
Thursday 18 August 2011 03:33
In this post I will show an easy way to make eZ publish communicate with javascript.
Thursday 18 August 2011 10:10
Here are the minutes of the 9th Community Project Board meeting. Our previous minutes can be found here.
Thursday 18 August 2011 09:22
For a customer i had to find the objects (out of hundreds) that had an attribute filled out, I figured an attribute filter would be the easiest:
Monday 15 August 2011 12:05
I recently twittered "The documentation for #ezpublish should be made more welcoming and more focused on common tasks." Here is my feedback on the FAQ pages (
Wednesday 10 August 2011 04:30
I am happy to announce a new updated version of the eZ Tika extension. This is actually a "helper" extension for indexing a large variety of binary file types, including pdf, MsWord, Powerpoint, iWork , ....
Check out the project page for downloads, source code and docs:
Thursday 04 August 2011 12:58
This topic was actually my presentation on eZ Conference in London but due to very short time available and very broad subject I was not able to present everything I wanted. So lets try again, but with a blog post :)
Wednesday 03 August 2011 07:59
I have been working as a developer with eZ publish since 2002 and version 2. For the past 10 years I had my own company and exclusively developed eZ Publish websites. As the technical director I was responsible for the sales, marketing, development and support of eZ Publish, clients including Hitachi and the UNESCO. eZ Publish has been my main source of income for those years, and I consider myself a loyal supporter of the product. However, as a mid-sized company it has been a continuous and very tiresome struggle to find and keep developers who were capable and motivated enough to work with eZ publish for more than a year. I think my company was not the only mid size company with that problem.
Saturday 30 July 2011 02:56
Leading or Managing a professional, vendor-backed open-source community does not present the exact same characteristics as leading a community-driven project. While the basics remain, unique characteristics arise that need to be addressed diligently for successful results. Here is my 2 short cents on the subject.
Saturday 30 July 2011 06:21
We have corrected all the bugs.