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Reputation System (the Gameplay)

Being rolled-out progressively, a reputation system will add a game layer on top of the eZ Community World. Participating in the eZ Community’s life, on the various fields described under, will let you accumulate points, grow your karma and unlock badges. More later, but keep in mind that all of your contributions are already counted, and will be introduced step-by-step, visually, on members’ profiles. We do not see why your participation should not be rewarded :)

Our idea is to let you have, on your eZ Community profile, a clear score-card of your activity within our community. While this is first and foremost a source of fun, you can also advertise this to show your involvement in the project, gain recognition, show your skills and experience. Can be useful for you. We will make sure that this score-card can be surfaced through widgets anywhere else : LinkedIn, Blogging platforms, etc.

Here is below an idea of the badges you can unlock. If you have used, or foursquare/gowalla before, this should feel familiar. Also, if you have new ideas, tell us ! ( <todo:link to contact info/form> )

Loyalty badges

Badges rewarding a steady activity on a given period of time.

Badge label Badge description
New comer A person who posted once
Regular A person who posted at least once a month during one year. The badge should include year information
Super Regular A person who posted at least 5 times a month during one year. The badge should include year information.
eZ Community Mainstay A person who earned the Regular badge 3 different years.
eZ Community Cornerstone A person who earned the Super Regular badge 3 different years.
Teacher A person who posted at least 5 tutorials
Dean of the eZ Community A person who posted at least 15 tutorials
Ambassador A person who invited 3 new members to the eZ Community
Settler A person who invited 10 new members to the eZ Community
Boundary Spanner A person who invited 30 new members to the eZ Community
Godfather A person who invited 100 new members to the eZ Community
Serial coder A person who committed (pull-request) at least once a month during one year. The badge should include year information
Super serial coder A person who committed (pull-request) at least 5 times a month during one year. The badge should include year information
Quantity badges
Badge label Badge description
Chatter apprentice A person having posted 10 times in the forums.
Forum addict of the month A person having posted the most in the forums in a month. The badge should include year & month information
Forum addict of the year A person having posted most in the forums in a year. The badge should include year information
Top blogger of the year A person having posted the largest amount of blog posts in a year. The badge should include year information
Top teacher of the year A person having posted the largest amount of tutorials in a year. The badge should include year information
eZ Publish coder A person having committed once on eZ Publish. (pull-request)
Pop eZ Publish coder A person having committed 10 times on eZ Publish. (pull-request)
Rock’n roll eZ Publish coder A person having committed 50 times on eZ Publish. (pull-request)
Heavy eZ Publish coder A person having committed 100 times on eZ Publish. (pull-request)
Quality badges
Badge label Badge description
Relevant Forum scanner A person who received more than 10 "Likes" in forums
Top Notch Forum scanner A person who received more than 50 "Likes" in forums
eZ Publish Nobel Prize Author A tutorial author praised with 5-stars 5 times.
Shakespearian eZ Publish Author A tutorial author praised with 5-stars 2 times.
Group, Appointment, Locational and Knowledge badges

Ideas :

  • Hackathons at events
  • Code rushes before releases
  • Hackathons for crafting a new feature
  • Participation to a feature-branch
  • Participation to an eZ Event
  • April fools
  • New year’s eve
  • Saint Patrick day
  • Halloween
  • Easter
  • Christmas
  • Certification passed

These ideas were not 100% thought through yet, hence the absence of exact badge definitions.

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