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Community Project Board meeting minutes - March 3rd

Thursday 10 March 2011 6:40:30 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

Here are the minutes of the Community Project Board's third meeting (see the second's)



Decisions & actions made

Governance doc

  • Gaetano : rephrasing both points mentioned in the Governance document (clarification)

External com

  • Nicolas : Publish last meeting's minutes + this meeting's
  • Andrew : Announce choice for 2-ways com (blog) + rationale, on our blog :
  • Robin : contact form on : sync with team
  • Everyone : Send to the ML the list of events you will be participating to, in which presenting/mentioning the Community Project is possible

Internal com

  • Gilles & Nicolas : Webex test.

Release policy

  • Keep open until March 24th. Update once inbetween with concrete feedback.
  • Everyone : nurture the discussion.
  • Gilles, Ole Marius : find someone to design/integrate a new front page block (replacing "Forum addicts of the the month" block. ).

Participation Model

  • Ole Marius : integrate the remarks about CLA & documentation in it
  • Nicolas : Visual of the slide & dice (as will be implemeted on, useful for understanding the RFC)

Next meeting date & time

March 24th, 2011, 17:00 GMT+1

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