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Adding custom security policy limitations to your modules

Tuesday 25 May 2010 7:44:59 am

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This tutorial will show you how to deal with custom security policy limitations for your modules. Once read, you will be able to fully take advantage of the granularity in eZ Publish's security and access control system.


As you might know, eZ Publish user access control is pretty precise and has a very fine granularity. Most of kernel modules allow indeed to limit access to themselves thanks to security policies we can assign to a user or to a user group. This is particularly the case for content module, fundamental within the CMS, thanks to its function limitations that can be configured in the admin interface. With these limitations, one can precisely define what a contributor has the right to do regarding content and functionalities.

Pre-requisites and target population

This tutorial is targeted to anyone who needs to implement security policy limitations for custom modules. Knowledge of eZ Publish module development is a must to fully understand the interest of this article. If you are not familiar to module and/or extension development ineZ Publish, you may read this excellent article about developing extensions. You also might read this interesting (old) tutorial about module development for eZ Publish (warning : this article was based on eZ Publish 3.x and PHP4, so read it with PHP5 style in mind). You can brush-up your knowledge of the basics of Access Control in eZ Publish by reviewing the online documentation on this subject.

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