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Creating a simple custom workflow event

Thursday 09 December 2010 8:01:18 am

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Again, workflows are useful tools to setup process that occurs before or after the publication of a content. They can be as simple as the content approval process and can be much more complex and combined to the object states they can be very powerful.

We have seen in this tutorial how to setup a workflow and link it to a trigger and we applied it to a content approval process. We have then been through an example of a workflow that automatically post a status update to a Twitter account. Additionally, because of some technical restriction from Twitter, we have also developed a little CLI script which acts as a helper with Twitter’s OAuth.

With these examples, you should now be able to develop your own workflow events for your website needs.



The extension built throughout this tutorial is available for download under both the tar.gz and ezpkg formats :

Other resources used to build this tutorial :

This tutorial is available for offline reading, in PDF format :
Creating a simple custom workflow event - PDF Version



Thanks to Yemkay for the Arc-twitteroauth library:

Thanks to Konstantin Kovshenin for the trick with Twitter OAuth for PHP:


About the author, Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Huy began web development in late 1996. As he studied software engineering in France, he grew a preference for web development and gathered skills on the side with personal projects and helping a small online publishing start-up company. He discovered eZ Publish in 2008 and is now a certified eZ Publish developer working for the Financial Times in London.


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GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)