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Creating Content Quickly and Easily with the eZ Publish Website Interface

Tuesday 22 May 2007 1:00:00 am

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Most of the basic content management tasks can be performed through the Website Interface. It has a simpler graphical user interface (GUI) than the Administration Interface. One reason for this is that the Website Interface is embedded in the front-end of the site. As a result, you can navigate the site through familiar menus and links to locate content.

The illustration below shows the Website Interface

Website Interface with Website Toolbar

The visual difference from the public siteaccess is the presence of the Website Toolbar and the links in the top right corner. The toolbar is used to access and initiate content management and editing tasks.

The user profile (accessed via the My profile link) is associated with each individual user account, and is only accessible when the user is logged in. On this page you can change your password, update personal information, manage drafts and notifications, and view Webshop order information (if your site has a Webshop). Site settings (through the corresponding link) are only available to administrators.

Website Toolbar

In the Website Interface, the Website Toolbar will be your most important tool for editing and managing content. An important feature of the Website Toolbar is context sensitivity. This means that the buttons and options shown on the toolbar depend on the content currently displayed and the operations available under the given circumstances.

For example, you may upload an image to an article, but attempting to put an article inside an image makes no sense (and is an illegal operation). Thus, you will not find a "create new article" option when viewing an image.

As seen in the above screenshot, the Website Toolbar provides access to operations such as creating new content (at the current location), as well as editing, moving or removing content. You can also use the import / export feature.

In other contexts, you may find buttons for translating content, comparing versions and previewing work in progress. Clicking the question mark on the right side of the toolbar will bring up the online documentation at .

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