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Cross Publishing Content in eZ Publish

Thursday 09 August 2007 3:00:00 am

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Adding a location using the Administration Interface

To publish a piece of content to an additional location from the Administration Interface, navigate to the desired content and enable the Locations window. Click the Add locations button, then use the Browse interface to select another location at which to publish the object. Navigate by clicking on the listed content names until you get to the location where you want to publish the content. To navigate upwards in the node tree, click the arrow in the top left corner of that window. When you have found the new location, check the corresponding box and click the Select button.

You can also select multiple locations for a newly created object before it is published. In this way, the content will appear at all the desired locations once it is published. For example, you could publish an article about some product release on the front page, in the Webshop, in the information pages for the community and in the company bulletin pages all at the same time. The Object Edit Interface (see the fifth article in this series for a description of this interface) contains a special version of the Locations window at the bottom:

Locations window of the Object Edit Interface

If this window is not available, go to the My account tab and look at the Edit mode settings window at the bottom of the left column. Make sure that "on" is highlighted for "Locations".

Adding a location using the Website Interface

To publish a piece of content to an additional location from the front-end of your site (assuming you are logged in to the Website Interface with at least Editor user privileges), navigate to the desired page and click the Add location button on the Website Toolbar:

Website Toolbar, Add location button

After clicking the button, the top level of your content hierarchy is displayed. As detailed previously for the Administration Interface, navigate by clicking on the listed content names until you get to the location where you want to publish the content. To navigate upwards in the node tree, click the arrow in the top left corner of that window. When you have found the new location, check the corresponding box and click the Select button:

Select location for cross publishing

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