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Extending eZ Publish’s REST API - Developer Preview #2

Friday 24 December 2010 6:45:20 am

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You should now have the ezxrestapidemo extension ready, exposing your custom REST api to any REST-enabled channel. This tutorial showed the principle of extending the eZ Publish REST framework. Given the “preview” nature of this framework, some changes might occur in the future on the way REST extensions are done, stay tuned for all details. However, the foundations are now laid, let us build off of them together. You can now already start using it for leveraging the multi-channel approach. A few links in the Resources part to get you started building mobile apps.

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This article is available for offline reading in PDF format :
Extending eZ Publish’s REST API - Developer Preview #2 - PDF Version


About the authors : Łukasz & Ole Marius

Łukasz Serwatka

Łukasz Serwatka is a Software Engineer at eZ Systems, focusing on dedicated eZ Publish solutions such as eZ Flow and the Website Interface.

Ole Marius Smestad

Ole Marius joined eZ Systems in 2005. He holds a master of technology from the the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is currently serving as domain leader for eZ Publish.


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