Friday 24 September 2010 7:57:12 am
At the end of this tutorial you should be comfortable with exporting user information from PHP scripts.
There are specific cases where you need to pull the eZ Publish information directly in your PHP scripts. There are options available for both users and nodes. There is already an excellent article about doing this here. This guide extends this by providing a detailed guide to extracting User Information through a script and going through some practical examples.
This tutorial is split into two parts. In this part, we will look at how you can retrieve individual users from the eZUser class and how to extract information from the eZUser class. I will then show you how to use some of the functions within eZUser and eZRole to extract multiple users.
The second part of this tutorial will detail how to extract user information through eZContentTreeNode::subTreeByNodeID(). As well as demonstrating this function, it will provide practical examples of its use and provide you with a cronjob you can use for your own user exports.
You should have a 4.x build of eZ Publish and be comfortable with the structure of eZ Publish source files and be able to run scripts through the command line. Knowledge of the cronjob functionality and eZ Publish scripts are advantageous.