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Importing and exporting word processor documents

Wednesday 11 February 2009 10:08:00 am

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Here, we will demonstrate the basics on how to import and export content between eZ Publish and ODF documents. However, there are other features available, such as importing and exporting to PDF and Microsoft Word, as well as the use of custom export templates. Be sure to consult the documentation for the more advanced uses.

The procedures listed below use eZ Publish 4.0.1, the Website Interface extension, and 3.0.0.

Importing sections

The eZODF extension uses sections defined in Writer documents to map word processor blocks to content attributes in eZ Publish.

Below is a screenshot of the Class edit interface in eZ Publish, showing information about a sample attribute. Note the identifier field, which will be used in the eZODF extension-specific odf.ini configuration file shortly.

Class edit interface: attributes and identifiers

When preparing an Writer document to be imported to eZ Publish, you need to create a section corresponding to each content attribute. This is achieved with the following steps in Writer:

  1. Place your cursor in the location of the document where you want the section to begin.
  2. From the main menu, choose Insert > Section, which will bring up the relevant modal dialog.
  3. Specify the name of the new section, then click the OK button. It is easiest to use section names that are the same as their corresponding attribute identifier names. Writer: insert section

Repeat the steps above for each section. Note that depending on the section in which your cursor is in, you will then see the name of the section in the status bar at the bottom of the window. Within each section, you can write some explanatory text to detail what the section is to be used for. Once you are done setting up the sections, you can save this document and share it as a template for anybody who will be producing content for your site.

The actual mapping of sections to content attributes is done in the eZODF configuration file, odf.ini. There is a configuration block in the configuration file for each content class to which you want to import. In short, each block instructs eZ Publish to create the appropriate new object or version based on the structure of the imported file. Below is an example of a configuration for a default Article class. Note the names of the attributes on the left of each entry in square brackets, and the name of the section on the right of each entry.


For full details, be sure to consult the documentation.

Writing and importing

With sections configured, you can start writing content to import. At this point, it is important for writers and publishers to know what types of formatting and datatypes can be imported by the eZODF extension.

Supported datatypes:

  • text line
  • date
  • text block
  • date and time
  • XML block
  • matrix
  • image

Supported formatting:

  • normal text
  • numbered and bulleted lists
  • bold and italic
  • headers
  • text links
  • tables
  • custom tags
  • embedded images

There are three ways to import content using the eZODF extension:

  • Directly specify the URLs (in either the front-end of the site and the Administration Interface) for the Import interface of the extension
  • If the Website Interface or Website Toolbar is installed, log in to the front-end of the site and browse to the desired location. Then, click the Import or Replace button on the Website Toolbar.
  • Log in to the Administration Interface and select the appropriate option from the context-sensitive pop-up menu.

The first method is done by appending "/ezodf/import" to the root of either the front-end or Administration Interface URLs. The default corresponding URLs are thus "" or "". This will load the eZODF Import interface where you can select the file to upload.

Front-end import page

Administration Interface import page

Then, use the eZ Publish Browse interface to find the location under which you wish to import the content.

Select location for imported content

The imported content will then be shown in the same way as if you had entered the content via one of the browser-based interfaces.

Alternatively, you can log in to the front-end of your site (with the Website Interface or Website Toolbar installed) and browse to the node under which you wish to import content. On the Website Toolbar, you will see three buttons on the right, corresponding to the "import", "export", and "replace" operations of the eZODF extension.

eZODF extension: Website Toolbar

Note that the "replace" operation is similar to the "import" operation. However, instead of creating a new object and node beneath the specified location (as with the "import" operation), the "replace" operation will create a new version of the current object. Clicking either the Import or Replace button will bring up a similar Import interface to what is shown above. The difference is that you do not have to use the eZ Publish Browse interface after uploading the file, since you have already selected the location for the imported content.

The third and last method is to log in to the Administration Interface and use the context-sensitive pop-up menu for the desired node from either the left menu or the Sub items menu. Under the "" sub-menu, choose either "Import OpenOffice" or "Replace OpenOffice". The subsequent steps are as previously described.

eZODF extension: context-sensitive pop-up menu


To export eZ Publish content as ODF documents, the available methods are similar to how you import content.

The first method is done by appending "/ezodf/export" to the root of either the front-end or Administration Interface URLs. The default corresponding URLs are thus "" or "". This will load the eZODF Export interface where you can select the object to export.

Front-end export page

You will then be prompted to download the exported content as an ODF document.

Alternatively, you can log in to the front-end of your site (with the Website Interface or Website Toolbar installed) and browse to the node that you want to export. On the right side of the Website Toolbar, click the Export button.

eZODF extension: Export button is the second button

The third and last method is to log in to the Administration Interface and use the context-sensitive pop-up menu for the desired node from either the left menu or the Sub items menu. Under the "" sub-menu, choose "Export OpenOffice".

Administration Interface, export

The export process preserves the same formatting and sections as specified earlier for the import process. Those preserved sections make it possible to re-import the content after editing and saving it in Writer.

The styling of the exported document is determined by an ODF template specified in the odf.ini configuration file. This template can be tweaked to add custom styling, headers, footers, and more.

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