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Managing Versions with eZ Publish

Friday 17 August 2007 6:00:00 am

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You can use the Version history interface to view and manage the versions that belong to an object. In addition to providing an overview of an object's versions, the Version history interface enables you to remove, copy and edit existing versions. As the screenshot below shows, the interface shows the different version numbers, the edited language for each version, information about the version structure, and (for multilingual sites) a dropdown list containing the available translations for each version. The interface has the same overall look and functionality regardless of whether it is accessed from the Website Interface or the Administration Interface:

Version history interface / version overview page

To view version-related information without bringing up the Version history interface, you have to log in to the Administration Interface and either enable the Details window in the main area when viewing the content you want to explore, or open the Object Edit Interface.

Accessing the Version history interface

To bring up the Version history interface in the Website Interface, navigate to the content you want to examine, then click the Manage versions button on the Website Toolbar.

From the Administration Interface, the Version history interface can be accessed by clicking the Manage versions button located inside the Object information window of the Object Edit Interface or by selecting "Advanced - Manage versions" from the context-sensitive pop-up menu.

Comparing versions

The content diff feature is a tool that provides a visual comparison of the differences between versions.

You can access the content diff feature by selecting desired versions from the dropdown lists and clicking the Compare versions button at the bottom right of the top window of the Version history interface.

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