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Section Segmentation and User Permissions Part 1 of 2

Thursday 26 June 2008 4:49:00 am

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There are three windows that display the name of the section to which an object belongs. These are the Details, Sub items (with the detailed list type toggled) and Section windows.

Section name in Details window

The Details window is shown in the main area of the Administration Interface when viewing some content (and when the corresponding switch has been selected). This displays information about the selected node and the object that it encapsulates:

Details window

The entry in the third column shows the section name. Clicking it brings up the Section view interface, which displays information about the section, the roles, users, and user groups associated with the section, and the objects within the section.

Section name in Sub items window

The Sub items window is shown at the bottom of the main area of the Administration Interface when viewing some content. When the detailed list type is selected (in the top right of the window), the sixth column shows the section name for each of the children of the object being viewed. Clicking one of the names brings up the Section view interface, as previously described.

Sub items window

Section window shown in edit mode

The Section window is shown in the bottom left area of the Object Edit Interface. This displays the name of the currently assigned section, and lets you change it. The number in square brackets in the title bar shows how many available sections you can choose from.

Sections interface

The Sections interface is your most important tool for managing sections. From here you can bring up the Section editing interface and the Section view interface. You can open the Sections interface by clicking on the Sections link in the left menu of the Setup tab. This interface is shown below:

Sections interface

The Sections interface has a header bar showing how many unique sections there are; a main area listing the name and ID of these sections; and a toolbar at the bottom. If you have many sections, you can toggle the number of sections that are listed per page by clicking the numbers "10", "25" and "50" in the top left corner below the header bar. Section management tasks such as creating, editing, assigning and deleting are carried out by using the buttons on the toolbar and the right side of the listing, along with the checkboxes to the left of the section listing.

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