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The PersistentObject eZ Component: Putting Relations Where Relations Belong

Tuesday 27 February 2007 12:12:00 am

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One of the cool new features in the eZ Components 2006.2 release is support for relation mappings in the PersistentObject component. This article will give you an introduction to the PersistentObject component and explain the new relations handling feature.

Previous releases of PersistentObject already allowed you to store and retrieve objects in a database. With the latest 1.2 release of PersistentObject, you can configure the object relations in a central place and benefit from using PersistentObject throughout your application. To aid my explanations, we will look at code from a simple example application. The example application makes heavy use of other components, such as UserInput and Template, but this article will concentrate completely on the use of PersistentObject.

The example application source is available for those who want to play with the code.

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