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Understanding and developing fetch functions

Tuesday 14 September 2010 4:41:06 am

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Make a PHP object usable in templates

While developing templates, you might have noticed that you can access most of every kernel objects attributes directly in templates :

{* $myNode will hold an eZContentObjectTreeNode object *}
{def $myNode = fetch( 'content', 'node', hash( 'node_id', 2 ) )}

{* Directly access to $myNode attributes *}
NodeID : {$myNode.node_id}<br />
Name : {$}

{* Inspect $myNode *}
{$myNode|attribute( 'show', 2 )}

In order to be able to use a PHP object in templates such as eZContentObjectTreeNode in the example above, you will need to implement 3 methods :

  • attribute( $attributeName ) Accessor. Returns value of object attribute which name is $attributeName
  • hasAttribute( $attributeName ) Checks if object attribute $attributeName is available
  • attributes() Lists every available attributes (only names)

So, when you need to access an object attribute, eZ Publish first checks if it does exist via hasAttribute() method. If so, then it will use attribute() accessor to retrieve the value. Last attributes() method is only used when inspecting the object with attribute template operator.


Example :

class MyExampleClass
     * Attribute holder
     * @var array
    private $attributes;
    public function __construct()
        $this->attributes = array(
            'first_attribute'    => 'foo',
            'another_attribute'    => 'bar'
     * Checks if $attributeName is a valid attribute
     * @return bool
    public function hasAttribute( $attributeName )
        return isset( $this->attributes[$attributeName] );
     * Attribute accessor
     * @return mixed
    public function attribute( $attributeName )
        return $this->attributes[$attributeName];
     * Returns all available attribute names
     * @return array
    public function attributes()
        return array_keys( $this->attributes );

Template code :

{* Assume that $myObject is a MyExampleClass object *}
{$myObject.first_attribute}{* Will display 'foo' *}<br />
{$myObject.another_attribute}{* Will display 'bar' *}

{* Inspect $myNode *}
{$myNode|attribute( 'show', 2 )}
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