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Advanced development with eZ Find - part 2 : Indexing additional fields in Solr

Tuesday 15 June 2010 5:20:10 am

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Here is the second part of a series of tutorials about eZ Find. At the end of this series, you will have been exposed all details on how it works, and be able to make an advanced usage, in various context, of this enterprise-grade search plug-in. This series will serve as a base for a talk on the subject at the eZ Conference 2010, in Berlin. As well as the Libre Software meeting.

Read the first part here : Advanced development with eZ Find - part 1 : Datatypes in Solr and eZ Find



eZ Find Advanced Development - Chapter 2

The first part of this tutorial described the low-level mechanisms of eZ Find, and the way eZ Publish attributes ( names, types ) and Solr fields are mapped. This post describes how eZ Find can dramatically ease development of some functionalities ( avoiding complex template operators and heavy SQL queries ) by automatically indexing additional fields in Solr when an object is published, which can in turn be leveraged for facetting or advanced filtering.


Pre-requisites and target population

This tutorial requires to know how to set up eZ Find. The online documentation describes the required operation in details, there :

You should also read and understand the first part of this tutorial :

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