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Build a WebDav-Enabled Intranet With eZ Publish

Friday 25 February 2005 6:13:00 am

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Documents such as Word, Excel, Power Point, PDF, etc. are the most common content containers on every intranet. An intranet solution will not be used if uploading and accessing these files is too hard. It is therefore vital that every intranet has a well-planned process to manage this.

The users are used to saving the documents either on their local discs, or on a mounted network drive. We should try to make the transition to saving files on the intranet as smooth as possible. The users can use the intranet as a virtual file system if we use the WebDav functionality in eZ publish. Files that are uploaded via the WebDav Interface will then instantly be accessible on the intranet, and vise versa. The content of known files such as Word and PDF documents will also be indexed in the search engine, so retrieving the documents is simple. The eZ publush site offers information on how to configure the binary file indexer.

As a bonus, all documents in the system are versioned. This means that if you overwrite a file, eZ publish will create a new version of the document; you can roll back to the previous version later if the need arises.

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