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Build a WebDav-Enabled Intranet With eZ Publish

Friday 25 February 2005 6:13:00 am

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As mentioned earlier, eZ Publish comes with a WebDav interface as standard. To get this interface up and running, we need to create a new virtualhost. To do so, we edit the Apache configuration file, httpd.conf. To add a new virtualhost directive in httpd.conf, you'll need to add a configuration like the one shown below. Just replace the path, /var/www/intranet, with the root of your eZ Publish installation, and the ServerName with the DNS name for your WebDav virtualhost.

<VirtualHost *> 

Options FollowSymLinks Indexes


DocumentRoot /var/www/intranet

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule !\.(css|jar|js|html|php)$ /var/www/intranet/webdav.php 


ErrorLog logs/error_log 

CustomLog logs/access_log common


If you do not have access to a DNS server, you can add an entry in your 'hosts' configuration file; alternatively, you could have Apache listen to another port, for example, port 81. If you add the webdav host name to the 'hosts' configuration file, it will not be accessible from any other computer.
The webdav interface also needs to be enabled in eZ Publish. This can be done by altering settings/webdav.ini. Below you find the setting that enables the WebDav interface.


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