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Creating Custom Admin Modules & Views

Monday 18 April 2011 2:42:34 pm

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You should now know all you need to to start creating your own modules and views. We have covered how to do the initial set up and how to handle user feedback. You should also be comfortable with setting up basic permissions within your roles to enable select user groups to access your custom functionality (or for everybody to view it if necessary). Modules are a great way of extending eZ Publish and they provide a massive amount of flexibility and power to carry out complex tasks. The code example for the module we have created in this tutorial is available for download so please do download and play around with it.



There are several excellent tutorials already on the site which are of great use when creating custom extensions. Below is a list of these and other resources I found useful while compiling this tutorial:

This tutorial is also available for offline reading, in PDF format : Creating Custom Admin Modules & Views - David Linnard - PDF Format


About the author : David Linnard

David Linnard

David is a London based web developer with a wide variety of skills who has spent the last two years on commercial eZ Publish web builds. He is also experienced at handling a variety of other content management systems and the Zend Framework.


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Creative Commons - Non Commercial


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