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eZ Publish Knowledge Series: WebDAV support in eZ Publish 4.1 now using eZ Components

Tuesday 14 April 2009 1:40:00 am

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Example : sharing a meeting report

Another simple use case is the one of a document sharing platform. You just come back from a team meeting, and were in charge of writing the report. Once you are done, you will want to share it, and its attachment and appendices, with your colleagues. Being a linux user, you open Nautilus and in the address bar, you type in :


where 'eng' is the siteaccess name.

You will be prompted for credentials, and then land on your document sharing platform's top content level :

Navigate to the place where you usually store meeting reports (Content/Meeting-reports/ here). For easier retrieval of information, we could think of a tree-based tagging storage of the type year/month/day, which we create right away, still from Nautilus :

On top of making this report available as a document, you would like it to be viewable online too. Here comes the OpenOffice extension in play, shipped by default in eZ Publish. It allows you to :

  • Import an OpenOffice document (MS Word is also supported, but requires a few setup steps)
  • Export a piece of content into an OpenOffice document

This perfectly suits our needs.

Here is how we proceed to push this meeting report live. We first write it down in an OpenOffice document. It looks like this eventually :

Download the original OpenOffice meeting report here. We then drag-and-drop it into eZ Publish :

And we are done, the meeting report is online in one drag and drop, viewable as an Article, and downloadable as a document, using the built-in OpenOffice export :

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