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Install eZ Publish 4.3 on Apple Snow Leopard Server

Wednesday 28 April 2010 7:06:57 am

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eZ Publish Installation, further continued

Verify the database just created for this install is selected in the drop down selector.

Select Database

Select Database

Next appears a site security warning, which in my reasonably well researched opinion may be safely ignored. Don't take my word for it, do your own study. You may find reason to believe that OS X has tweaks in place on top of the virtual server system that make it secure enough for your use.

Site Security

Site Security

You have shell access with su, so creating an .htaccess file is not a problem. The problem with custom .htaccess on OS X Server is that Apache AllowOverride is set to None which means .htaccess files will be ignored. This is a server wide security setting, so do not change that setting wholesale for the server. Change it only on a per directory basis. If you feel .htaccess is necessary, and know what you are doing:

/etc/apache2/httpd.conf is the apache configuration file, then something like the below into the Directory listings.

<Directory "/Library/Webserver/Documents/ez43">
   AllowOverride All


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