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Installing an eZ Publish Payment Gateway

Wednesday 03 January 2007 3:36:00 pm

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Testing the commerce checkout workflow

 Access the front-end user view of your website. Add a product to the shopping cart and click the Checkout button. Fill in the relevant information in the Account information form, then click the Continue button. On the Confirm order page, review your order details, then click the Confirm button.

Choosing a payment gateway

 If the trigger 'shop.checkout.before' is set to the 'All Gateways' workflow, the Select payment method view will be displayed.

For this checkout example, choose the Authorize.Net option and click Select. This will start the payment gateway workflow.

If, however, the trigger 'shop.checkout.before' is set to the 'Authorize.Net' workflow, you will automatically be presented with the Payment / credit card information form.

Payment information submission

 Next, you will be presented with the Payment / credit card information form.

 Complete the form and click Submit. If test mode is not enabled, the payment information will be submitted to the payment gateway service and verified.

If the transaction is approved you will be directed to the order view (receipt). Payment is thus complete!

If the transaction is declined, you can re-enter the payment information and submit again until the transaction is approved. You will not be able to continue without payment approval.

When you are ready to accept payments on your site, remember to disable test mode in the configuration file 'ezauthorize.ini.append.php' (located in 'extension/ezauthorize/settings/').


You can enable verbose debugging by first enabling the 'eZ Publish' debug output and then enabling the 'eZ Authorize' debug output (see example settings below).

 In the file 'settings/override/site.ini.append.php':

# DebugOutput=disabled

 In the file 'settings/override/ezauthorize.ini.append.php':

# Extension Debug
# Debug=false

Enabling this debug output will display the transaction key, merchant login, md5 secret word, and transaction hash sent to and returned from Authorize.Net.

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